Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


Chase sighed. There was absolutely no way around this. Donald Davenport, had his son's hands tied. Chase had to tell him.

"Look dad, I know what it seems like. I know that you supposedly have all of these facts or something. But what you're thinking, is wrong. There is nothing going on between Bree and I." Chase finished. He looked up to see his father growing more furious by the second.

"Chase, what did I just tell you? Didn't I tell you not to lie? Because it sure sounds like your lying, to me." Donald said sternly. Chase moved back a bit.

"Dad, I'm serious. The reason why we left yesterday, was I wanted got get to know her. You know how close Adam and I are, and he was my assistant for five years. I wanted to be friends with her so I could have a reliable assistant for a while. This morning, she just wanted more clarification on her job since I obviously didn't give it to her yesterday. I will take the blame for that. She was upstairs when you came over. I told her to hide so you wouldn't suspect anything." Chase explained. It wasn't all a lie, he just twisted the truth slightly. But Donald couldn't know the truth, that could ruin everything. Any chance he had with Bree, anyways.

"Oh... I'm sorry, Chase. I didn't mean to accost you or anything. I just thought you and this girl, were together. That's what it looked like." Donald apologized. He stood up, making his way to the door with Chase following close behind.

"It's okay, Dad." Chase said with a smile. Donald nodded.

"Well you do know what would happen if you two were together, don't you?" Donald asked as he stepped outside Chase's office. Chase shook his head. He really had no idea. Like he said before, this type of thing, had never happened at Davenport Industries. Maybe within the employees, but not employee and the boss. Adding the Davenport name to the secrecy, changes a lot.

"Oh, well I would have to fire both of you. Then report you both for work involvements to any of your future jobs. But, since you two aren't doing anything, that just makes everyone's lives, a lot easier." Donald sighed with a smile. He waved back at Chase as he made his way to the elevator. Chase let the door close as he lost sight of his father and went back to his desk, taking off his coat. He rolled up his sleeves and pulled his phone out of his brief case. He had to find Bree.

He shook his head. He had to do this tastefully. If he raced out of the office directly after his father, and Bree, had left, people would begin to suspect something of it all. He nodded to himself as he left everything but his keys, wallet, and phone along with him in his pockets. As he swung the door open, the staff seemed to be hard at work. He quietly made his way to the elevator, making it look as though he was heading up to the top floor to meet with his father, when in all reality, he was going to be tracking down his assistant. The very assistant he was trying to sort out his feelings for.

Chase rolled out of the parking lot in his fifty thousand dollar blue 2014 NISSAN GT-R and began to search the town. He tried to think of all the places an average person would want to go when they were upset. The only problem, Bree wasn't average. He couldn't pin point a spot. This was California for crying out loud.

He continued to drive until he passed the pier. He smiled, remembering all the times he came here to think when he first got into the company. Chase parked and made his way to an ice cream shop nearby. Chase and his vanilla ice cream walked down the pier until he caught a glimpse of the bridge where he used to spend most of his time thinking. Chase let his mind roam over the many times he had sat right in the middle of the bridge, right on the edge by the water. He sat down, forgetting for the time being that he was wearing a very expensive suit and was sitting on a dirty bridge edge just over the water. He ate his ice cream in silence as he scanned the waters.

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