Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"I told you not to make things more complicated! That's why I had you get out of there when you did!" Marcus yelled while Bree sat back in her chair. She was getting sick of these lectures, she already knew she was in too deep.

"I know. But I can't help-"

"You can't help how you feel, I know. You've said that a lot lately. What other excuse can you come up with?" Marcus said with a snide voice. Bree sighed as she thought this through.

"Can't you just find another spy? I can give you everything I know, but Chase hasn't exactly given me the keys to Davenport's floor or anything. The only time I was able to get up, there was when he took me up there so we could hang out. I was barely able to sneak off and get you those files." Bree mumbled the last part as she remembered what she had done so long ago.

"Wow." Bree said as Chase lead her to the living area. Bree sat down on the couch as Chase wondered off to get something. When he returned, he held a change of clothes for both himself and Bree.

"Here, you can go change in the bathroom. But make sure to leave everything in here exactly the way you found it." Chase warned worriedly. She laughed as he handed her the clothes.

"Alright, alright. Don't be so worried. I'll be back in a sec." Bree called over her shoulder. Bree could hear him laugh as she shut the door. She pressed her ear against the door as she waited for Chase to begin changing. She quickly threw on her clothes and slipped out of the bathroom. She took the flash drive out of her pocket and made her way to the back. She pulled out her phone to look at the map Marcus had sent her of the top floor. She was able to find her way to the super computer where she plugged in the flash drive and moved over as many files as she could. After about 15, the flash drive was full. She smiled at her job well done and slipped the flash drive into the pocket of her skirt. She carried her clothes with her as she made her way back to the bathroom and opened the door, then shut it again. She quickly walked into the living room. Chase turned quickly to see Bree with a look of shock on her face. He smiled nervously as she began to blush.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you would be changing out here." Bree said quickly as she fumbled to hold onto the pile of dress clothes in her hands. Her hand quickly found the pocket that held the flash drive. She took hold of it to make sure it wouldn't fall out.

"Bree it's okay, I just need to put on my shirt... There." Chase said as he pulled the shirt over his head. Bree watched closely as Chase pulled the shirt over his head. He had amazing abs. Once Chase was dressed he picked up his things and motioned for Bree to follow. They made their way to the elevator.

When they stepped out into the first floor, Chase took her hand and lead her down a few hallways until they reached the back entrance.

"Why does this door lead to an alley?" Bree asked. She wasn't exactly sure what Chase knew and she didn't want him to just confront her here. Chase smirked at her.

"How else would us super spies find a quick getaway?" Chase took Bree's hand by she pulled back. Now she knew for sure he knew. Why else would he call her a spy? Chase turned back to look at her. She had to come up with an excuse.

"What?" He asked genuinely confused. She had to come up with something.

"How are you able to just be so friendly with me? If your dad caught us together he would probably fire me, and you. Let alone if the paparazzi found out." Bree asked aloud. Chase leaned back against the wall as he thought out his answer. Bree shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she waited. She knew that Marcus was upset with the interest Chase was taking in her. She looked over to the side to see the paparazzi waiting for the right moment. Marcus didn't want her working for Chase any more. If the paparazzi were here, that meant Marcus had a plan to make sure she was fired from her fake employment.

"Look, Bree. I want to get to know you. If your going to be my assistant I might as well know you, and you know me. If my dad finds out we hung out instead of going to the stupid presentation, who cares. And if the paparazzi find out, I don't know what to tell you. You know exactly what they'll be saying. So we'll hang out at little places, no where big or fancy or somewhere I've been before." Chase explained. Bree smiled and took his hand. She lead him over to the parking lot where she stopped and turned back to Chase.

"I want to get to know you too."

Bree felt tears welling in her eyes at the memory. She had already hurt Chase so much. She never expected to fall in love with him. She had thought it would be petty business stuff. Not multimillion dollar ideas being stolen.

"No Bree. I can't find another spy. You probably already know this but you are in extremely deep. If i send someone else in, they'll get suspicious. What if I make you a deal?" Marcus asked. Bree shook her head.

"I don't want anything." Bree mumbled. Marcus rolled his eyes.

"If you can finish this, I can double your pay." Marcus said in a convincing voice. Bree fumbled with her hands. She didn't want any more money, all she wanted was Chase. She didn't care anymore. She already had everything she could have wished for. She had Chase... for now.

"I don't want any more money. I just want out." Bree said as she stood up from her seat in front of Marcus. He glared back at her as he matched her stance. This was not what he wanted to hear.

"Alright, you can leave. But just know that I'll tell your little boyfriend about all of this if you do." Marcus said evilly. Bree let her eyes grow wide in shock.

"Why can't you just let this go? I've ready gotten a lot of information for you! How much more do you need?" Bree yelled back at him. He laughed as he moved around the desk to face her head on.

"All I need is one more thing. That's all. If you do that, you're out. You're free. And I'll never tell anyone." Marcus said. Bree looked quizzically up at him.

"What exactly do you need?" Bree asked.

"It's simple really. Nothing those Davenport boys will miss." Marcus said simply, brushing off the subject. Bree sighed, this was going to be harder than she though.

"Marcus. What do you need?" Bree asked again. Marcus' smile fell as he realized he would have to tell her. He slowly moved in for emphasis.

"I need the plans for the bionic chip."


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