Left alone

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Max's POV

About an hour goes past and it's time for me to go back to the office. I can't leave Shelby here by herself so I text Tim to keep an eye on her. He texts back and says he should be over in a half hour. Shelby should be fine until then. "Babe?" I whisper gently in her ear. Her beautiful eyes meet mine. "I have to go to work, Tim should be here soon, will you be okay here for about a half hour?" I feel so guilty for leaving her but I can't take anymore days off. "Yeah" she's says yawning. "You sure?" I lift an eyebrow. "Max ya goof just go! I'll be fine!" Shelby giggles. And off I go. I kiss Shelby goodbye and strap Bianca into her car seat. Alesa loves having Bianca over so she instead she take her while I work. She says she can see a "feature" with her mason. That shit always made me laugh.

Shelby's POV

Fake smile :)
Dried eyes
Scratch wrists #
Bruised thighs

White pills
Rope tied
Gun loaded

This is one of my favourite poems. I have no idea who's it's by but I seen it in Twitter. I can never get it out of my head. I hear the door close which means Max is gone. It's now or never. I run upstairs to the bathroom. Open the cabinet and take out pills. Once the cabinet closed I could see the reflection of this black and blue figure. Then I shortly realised this ugly bused ugly monster was me. What happened?

Tims POV

I knock on the door to Shelby's house. There's no answer. I walk in. Max told me to keep an eye on Shelby so it's not really breaking and entering is it? The place us empty. There's a blanket and a pillow on the couch. "Shelby?" I call out only to hear the response of silence fill the room I am currently standing in. (Wow big words XD) "Shelby?" I call a little louder but moving around just to receive the same response. "It's Tim!" I say thinks maybe she thinks I'm Nathan. Which isn't the case there for I still have no reply. I walk upstairs and continue to call out Shelby's name. I knock on the bedroom door. "Shelby?" I say softly. I open the door and see her lying in the bed. I let out a sigh of relief. Wait. What that in her arm? "Shelby?" I say a little louder. I look at the floor. Shit. Oh shit. An empty pill bottle. An empty glass of water. A non-responsive girl.

There's a not
"Fake smile:)"
"Dried eyes"
"Scratched wrist"
"Bused thighs"
"White pills"
"Rope tied"
"Gun loaded"

At this point I'm in tears. I ring Emily not knowing what to do.

I love you too mithzan X Shelby pt2Where stories live. Discover now