If he cared

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Shelby's POV

I hear a door open and I pry its Emily. Sadly it's not. It's a male voice so my mind immediately thinks Nathan. Yay hah ugh life's a bitch. "Just go away Nathan! Can't you ever just leave me alone for once? You have me cooped up in this cage what else do you want!" I say. "Shelby?" A whisper says. I lift up the silky cloth to see Adam, red, and Tim. "Did you say something?" Nathan shouts. "No!" I panic. "What are you guys doing here? Run!" I whisper. "I called the-" Adam was interrupted by the door opening it. Emily and another person walks in. It takes me a while to notice that other person is Max. "Shelby?" He calls out running over to the cage I'm in. "Max!" I say in shock. We try to hug through the bars. Then Nathan walks in. "I didn't know we were having a party now!" He grins "Nathan! What's going on?" Emily asks. "You weren't meant to find out!" He strokes her cheek and kisses her. Em doesn't kiss back. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" Red runs at Nathan and is shot down in his tracks. Em runs down beside him and whispers something into her ear. Max is still holding me. "You're a sick son of a bitch!" Adam speaks up. He laughs. "Where's Ross this weather? He remember you?" Nathan looks directly at me. "Ha, that's funny. Last time I checked Max couldn't care less about you!" Nathan says. "That's not true and you know it!" I snap at him. "Poor little Shelby, if he cared then how did I get my hands you you?" He walks closer to the cage. "How did my hands reach your body?" "Shut up" Max gets close to him clenching his fist. "No answer my question! If he cared then how did you end up pregnant with my baby?" Max hits Nathan across the face. Nathan kicked him down.

I love you too mithzan X Shelby pt2Where stories live. Discover now