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Max's POV
Me Adam and Tim pin Nathan to the ground. Shelby runs back inside with a bunch of police men. "Okay what's going on?" Well this dude must have a lot of time. "Depends how much time ya got?" I say smirking. "Not a lot. Just tell me who the main person of this crime is and I'll ask questions later." He says still pointing a gun at all of us. "That one on the ground!" Shelby says pointing at Nathan hiding behind the police officer. "Okay well you all are going to have to-" he gets interrupted by a half dressed girl rushing down the stairs. "Nathan what's going-" she talked a minute to look around before finishing. I'm not going to lie she looked cute as ever. Wait, did I actually think that? I slap myself across the face cause Shelby's attention to me. "Babe?" She says with a kinda confused puppy face. You know the way they tilt there head. I love puppies there so cute. I'm getting off topic. "Who are you?" The police officer asks pointing his gun at her. "I'm Nathan girlfriend, Amber-lily." Shelby's turns her head looking at Nathan. "Oh so you have a girlfriend! Well then why was I the one locked up?" She asks. "As I was saying, everyone is going to have to come with me for questioning. If you would please follow me to the police cars 3 in each car." He only noticed em and red now. "Oh yay, more paperwork." I really don't like this guy. Here's how the police cars went.

Police car1: Adam Shelby Tim.
Police car  2: red em Nathan.
Police car 3: me and amber-lily.

Emily and red are seen to by a paramedic before we leave. We're all handcuffed. Wait, did we just get arrested?" I get into the backseat followed by Amber-lily. There's a gap in the middle. "You're a red head!" She just has to state the obvious. She's already annoying me. Why couldn't this be Shelby instead. "Yep. I am!" I say very uninterested. "I like red heads!" She has this dumb voice on her. It's almost fake. "Cool!" I reply being the introvert I am I don't really like talking to strangers. "There cute, just like you!" Wait, hold up! Did she just call me cute? "I'm sorry didn't you say you and Nathan were a thing?" I ask. I could have sworn she did. "Not for long!" She says cuddling down into me. "I'm sorry, I have a girlf-" she shushes me. HOW DARE SHE! "She's hardly better than me so why waist your time? You should just be with me!" She looks me in the eyes. I try not to make eye contact. She goes in for a kiss. "Wowowow eh dude I'm not interested!" I practically shout. She gives me a smirk. Still cuddling my arm. "Oh but you will be!" She says still with her aweful voice.

I love you too mithzan X Shelby pt2Where stories live. Discover now