Is it over

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Shelby's POV

"You don't believe this asshole do you?" Adam makes dead eye contact with me. Before I get even a blink in Nathan cuts across the conversation. "Of course she does! I haven't told one lie!" He yells. "Oh my god I'm ready to just rip you up!" Adam says through his 'Ima kill you now' face. "Come at me so!" Nathan baited Adam. "Don't I get a say in this conversation?" I but in. "Shut up!" They both say at the same time. Well that's a little weird. "You know what, party is over get the hell out!" Nathan demands. "Fuck off, no way am I leaving until you're in handcuffs and Shelby and Max are with us!" Tim yells. "Well that's not going to happen and you ain't staying here!" Nathan says. I look over at Emily. I can see her slowly reaching behind her. She puts her finger up to her lip giving me a sign to stay quite. I hear Adam, Tim and Nathan fighting in the background. Emily picks up the gun Nathan shot red with. He must have dropped it. "Get the hell down and do the fuck I say!" Nathan and Tim slowly get on the ground. "Not you!" Adam says picking up Tim. Max slowly starts to wake up. "Wha?" He moans. I whisper telling him he fine and he needs to stay quite. "You're gonna stay in the ground until the police arrive, okay?" Em says pointing the gun at Nathan. "Now where's the keys for the cage?" She asks calmly but violent. "Like I'm going to tell you!" Nathan snapped. Emily loads the gun "fine there on my table behind you" Nathan gives up. Emily turns around and Nathan pulls out a gun and shoots her. "EM!" Red shouts scooting over to her. Max
Kicks down the door to the cage and goes for Nathan. This time Tim and Adam help out and manage to pin him down. I step outside now only realising what a state I look. I'm in ripped jeans and a ripped baggy dirty jumper. My hair is scruffy and my face is dirty. I look to see a lot of police cars outside all pointing guns at me. I slowly put my hands up. "Eh, hi my name is Shelby and I'm not the cause for this!" I inform them. "Is it safe to go inside?" A police officer asks. "Maybe bring a few others and a gun." I tell him. And he does as I say.

A/N I added the ding cause i liked it :)

I love you too mithzan X Shelby pt2Where stories live. Discover now