Chapter 1

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*loud ass alarm*

"Oh great time for hell" I mumbled to myself rolling over and smacking my phone as a sorry ass attempt to turn off my alarm. I got all the way up and pressed the stop button on my home screen to turn my alarm all the way off on my iPhone 7 and lazily walked to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, Y/n you have to walk today cause I'm too tired to take you" my grandma yelled with an attitude.

"Too tired or too lazy" I yelled back rolling my eyes.

"Don't talk back to me, I'll beat your ass" she yelled.

"I wish the fuck you would" i yelled back putting toothpaste on my tooth brush and brushing my teeth. Dinah needs to hurry up and come back in town so I can go stay with her for a little while cause this bitch been getting on my last fucking nerve. So let me introduce myself to y'all right quick ya dig. I'm Y/n Alani Amasio and I'm 19. I know yall wondering why a 19 year old would be going to school but I started school late which means an extra year for me...yeahhhhh..not. I'm Dinah Janes older cousin, her mom is my sperm donors sister. I know it's fucked up to call your dad a sperm donor but when the nigga was playing peekaboo for 16 years then showed up and started being a father it's hard to see it any other way. Anywaysss, I got that tall gene so it's only right for me to be a 6'1 basketball player for my school team the Riverdale Raiders and my I'm a football player. Y'all probably like wait aren't y'all from Cali but you in Atlanta. Well see what had happened was....they all decided to move to Atlanta to be closer to the girls cause they spend a lot of time out here. I use to live with my mom up until I was about 15, but I got tired of my step dad bullshiting so I moved when my other family moved. I'm really not that far from Dinahs house, she's in union city and I'm in riverdale that's like 40 minutes. But her and the others don't return until March 1st and today is February 27, so I get to see my favorite Poly soon.

"Come the fuck on Y/n you taking yo sweet ass time" my grandma yelled.

"Ion see why you wasting yo breath, I don't follow yo orders I'm my own person. I do as I please, I'm taking my car anyway" I yelled back. I took a couple pictures in my closet mirror then made my way down stairs. Bruh i get tired from going up and down these fucking stairs, WHO THE FUCK NEED A 3 STORY HOUSE FOR 3 FUCKING PEOPLE. Like bitch it's just me you and Diggy (my step brother).

 Like bitch it's just me you and Diggy (my step brother)

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You and what you're wearing ^

"Where's Diggy" I asked her when I saw her lazy ass laying across the couch in her room.

"Where's Diggy" I asked her when I saw her lazy ass laying across the couch in her room

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