Chapter 18

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3 years later

Lucas is 4 now and he's been crying about being blind a lot more. We decided to get him the eye surgery that allows him to see as well ass the rest of us. It took a lot of thinking because if it goes wrong Lucas cold possible loose his hearing along with his eye sight. But after a few days of Normani crying because she hates that Lucas is hurting, we decided it was time. So now we're about to walk inside the hospital for his treatment.

"You still ain't tell me why we here" Lucas said looking at me confused.

"You'll see buddy, no matter what remember that me and mommy love you"I said kissing his head.

"I love yall too" he said hugging both of our legs.

"Lucas Amasio"the nurse called.

"Time to be a big boy" Lucas said pulling his pants up a little and walking over to the nurse.

"I'm so nervous" Normani said looking st me with tears in her eyes.

"Don't be cause we gotta pray for the best" I said rubbing her back.


3 hours later

"Family of Lucas Amasio" the doctor said walking into the waiting room.

"Right here" Normani said hopping up pulling me over to the doctor.

"How is my little man" I asked.

"He's doing great, the surgery went perfect but we covered his eyes so you guys will be the first people he sees" the doctor said.

"Thanks doc, can we see him now" I asked.

"Of course, he's in room 904 on the 4th floor" he answered making me chuckle. If you're a Beyoncé fan you'd get it)

"You get it too" Normani said giggling.

"Bey was born on September 4th and she got an album titled 4" I said laughing.

"At least they ain't say 727" Normani said laughing along with me. We walked over to the elevator and waited.

"It's always 727" I said laughing.

"When I gave birth I was in room 727" she said laughing and walking into the elevator with me following her.

"My stomach hurt" I said trying to calm down.

"Maybe you gotta shit" she said laughing.

"You sound like my mother" I said laughing even harder. When the elevator dinged we laughed all the way to Lucas's room.

"Mommy mama" he yelled with a big smile spread across his face.

"I see that hearing is still bomb as fuck" I said chuckling.

"Always" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Do me a favor Lu and take that thing off your face" I said and he did as he was told.

"Now open your eyes" Normani told him.

"For why, it's not like I'm gonna see" he argued.

"Boy don't talk back just listen" I said.

"Fine" he said opening his eyes. He blinked a few times then his mouthed dropping in shock and he couldn't do anything but cry.

"What bud" I asked smiling wide.

"Mommys so beautiful mama" he said grabbing Normanis face and pulling on her cheeks. "Is it really real" he asked still crying.

"Yep you can see now buddy" I said stilling smiling.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now