Chapter 21

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"Get in the damn car" I yelled at Shad who was too busy flirting with some girls to notice us.

"I'm 16 now I can drive, like you real life buggin" Shad said getting in the car.

"Boy shut the fuck up" I said rolling my eyes and driving off to pick Renay up from the dance studio.

"I don't understand why a 22 year old girl is living with her older sister" he said.

"Cause she's my baby" I said rolling my eyes and putting the car in park.

"Catch y'all later" Renay yelled waving at the rest of the royal family and getting in the car.

"You better be at that party" Parris yelled giggling.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" Renay said winking as I pulled off.


"Okay so do I look decent" Renay asked Normani walking into our room.

"Damn Re" Normani yelled making me turn around to look at my baby sister with my mouth dropped

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"Damn Re" Normani yelled making me turn around to look at my baby sister with my mouth dropped.

"If we weren't siblings and I wasn't your adoptive mother I'd try to get at you" I said making her laugh her ass off.

"Good to know" Normani said giving me a look.

"Girl it's a joke, my baby sister look like she gone shut that party down" I said hugging Renay.

"Damn you didn't tell me your sister was this fine" Dream doll yelled.

"Who's this" Renay said looking Tabatha up and down licking her lips.

"Tabatha aka Dream doll from bgc" I said.

"Damn you beautiful, I'm Renay aka India from the royal family" Renay said introducing herself and kissing T's hand.

"Ah hell" I said face palming.

"Is your whole family this charming" Tabatha asked me.

"No just us two" I said chuckling and wrapping my arms around Normanis waist.

"Look, I'm about to go to my crews party. You should totally come, I'm sure they wouldn't mind me bringing a date" Renay said smirking at her.

"What have you been teaching this kid, her swag factor is the shit" Normani said to me.

"I raised her to be a real ass bitch" I said popping my colar.

"I'm really not dressed for a party" Tabatha said giggling.

"You look fucking beautiful what the fuck are you saying." Renay said.

" Renay said

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My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now