Chapter 17

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*1 year later*

"Mommy peepee" Lucas said tugging on Normanis pants.

"Mamas gonna take you okay" Normani said picking him up and handing him to me.

"Let's go buddy then we can get you a new toy" I said smiling and tickling his stomach making him giggle.

"Best mama" Lucas said wrapping his arms around my neck and squeezing me.

"What about mommy" I asked pointing at Mani.

"Eh, hers okay" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Hey" Normani said faking a hurt face.

"Sowwy mommy" he said leaning forward and kissing her cheek.

"My sweet little boy" Normani said kissing his forehead.

"Yea yea yea, leggo potty mama" he said brushing Normani off.


"Mama look Dinah" Lucas said pointing at a dinosaur making me burst out laughing.

"You want it" I asked making him nod his head rapidly. "Alright get it."

"I go tell Jeremy I got Dinah" he said running to the check out area.

"He is so cute" the girl said scanning his toy.

"I know" Lucas said giving her a cheeky smile making me chuckle.

"You're suppose to say thank you" I said shaking my head smiling at my son.

"Oops, tank yous" he said smiling and grabbing my hand.

"You seem like a good mom and I love kids, maybe you should call me some time" she said writing her number on a piece of paper handing it to me. Lucas took it and balled it up giving her a death stare.

"My mommy go to kiwl yous" he said tossing her number at her and pulling me away after getting his toy.

"Nice job kiddo" i said picking Lucas up and clapping him up.

"Tank you, I do wha I can" he said smiling and showing off his dimples.

"Now let's go find mommy" I said walking out of the toy store and to Victoria secret.


"We need help" i yelled from in the bathroom. I'm potty training Lucas and it's not going so good. Let's just say shit hit the fan.

"This better be chocolate" Shad said with wide eyes.

"It's totally shit" Lauren said laughing.

"Nice job" Jeremy said to Lucas giving him a thumbs up.

"Nasty ass little boys" Jazmine said rolling her eyes.

"After we clean yo hands we needa clean the toilet...fuck it get in the tub" I said putting him in the tub and grabbing se shower head and spraying him with it.

"Ah me face me face" he yelled covering his face.

"Alright, I'm taking over" Normani said stepping in and pushing the rest of us out of the bathroom.

*20 minutes later*

"Look I clean" Lucas yelled rushing out the bathroom and into me and Normanis room.

"I see bud, let's go to the basketball game for your brother" I said running into the closet to change.

"You ready" Normani asked as me and Lucas came down the stairs.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now