Chapter 10

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*2 days later*

"But babyyyyy" Kylie said pouting when I told her I wasn't finna share my ice cream.

"Nah man that's my shit cuz" I said groaning.

"If you don't give me it you won't get to use the whipped cream" she said smirking.

"You better share that ice cream" Danielle yelled outside my room door laughing with Renay.

"Ahehe hell, move yo strawberry short cake face ass away from my door" I said pretending to laugh.

"Oh damn" Dinah said from outside the door.

"Y/n we needa speak with you" Ally yelled from the outside.

"WassCraCcin" i said opening the door.

"You might wanna come to the official "Fifth Harmony house" for this" Lauren said draping her arm across my shoulder.

"Let me get dressed" I said walking into my closet.


"How can you make something so casual look so sexy" Kylie asked me kissing cheek

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"How can you make something so casual look so sexy" Kylie asked me kissing cheek.

"Shut up, bye best friend" I said laughing then waving at her. Me and Kylie aren't really dating, it's just for publicity and to piss Normani off.

"Byeeee" She yelled when I ran down stairs and to the garage to get in my favorite car.

"Byeeee" She yelled when I ran down stairs and to the garage to get in my favorite car

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"To the batmobile" Renay yell running to my car with Danielle. Shad is at Romeos so he good.


"What you mean yall saw him hit her" I yelled.

"The whole reason she did what she did is cause Arin is beating her" Ziyah said sighing.

"Wait what the fuck, that's what she meant by it isn't what it looks like" I said balling up my fists.

"Where they at now" Renay asked.

"Upstairs" Ally answered.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Ziyah said smirking.

"I'm finna go watch this legendary ass whooping you coming" Renay asked Dinah following behind me.

"Hell yeah, I'm here for this shit. I got my juice and my popcorn, its about to go down" Dinah replied saying the last part like Kevin Hart. (Bars)

"So Arin" i said walking into Normanis room.

"The fuck are you doing here" Arin yelled.

"This" I said grabbing Normanis hand and pulling her behind me. I turned around and searched her for scares and bruises. She had a scare on her lip, a bruise on her eyes and waist.

"Look out" the girls yelled. I pushed Normani back towards them and ducked to keep Arin from hitting me or Normani.

"Bitch did you just try to hit me with a bat" I yelled facing him.

"I did no such thing" he said tossing the bat onto the floor.

"Can you say pussy" Renay says in a Dora voice making me is all laugh.

"Renay you might wanna call uncle Damon cause I'm gonna need him to bail me out and drop the charges" I said cracking my knuckles. I picked Arin up and slung him into the wall then I stood him back up and slammed my fist into his face repeatedly. He caught my fist and pushed me back delivering a blow right to my chest. I stumbled but caught my balance and uppercutted him. He fell but before I could get on top of him he hopped up and put me in the choke hold. I kicked him in his knee then elbowed him in the stomach making him fall to the ground. He tried to crawl towards the bat but I grabbed his leg and pulled him back grabbing it before he could.

"Don't do it" Dinah yelled with a mouth full of popcorn. I took the metal bat and drove it into his ribcage hearing a loud crack sound making him scream like somebody was stabbing him repeatedly.

"Normani did he rape you" I asked Normani and when the words left me mouth she broke down in Ziyahs arms. Oh fuck no! I pulled down his pants and laughed. "Yo shit like 2 cm cuz what the fuck is that an inch worm" I said dying laughing. I flipped him on his back and grabbed one of Normanis hair brushed.

"What you finna do with that" Arin yelled.

"Just a little revenge" I said smirking.

"Oh shit booty rape" Danielle yelled as I stuck the brush in Arins ass making him hit Mariah Carey notes.

"Damn y'all heard that whistle note, that was better than mine" Dinah said laughing her ass off.

"Stupid bitch I got blood on my shoe" I said spitting on him then kicking him in the face making him pass out.

"Well damn, that was....inhumane. I know and I apologize" I said wiping the blood from he corner of my mouth.

"Can you do that to my ex" Ally asked with her eyebrow raised.

"If he's touched you or made you think of hurting yourself give me his address and I got you" I said walking over to Normani and Ziyah.

"She's calming down a little but she's still a little shaken up" Ziyah said.

"Mani baby" I said in a soft voice sitting on the floor next to them.

"Thank you" she sobbed moving her head from Ziyahs shoulder to my chest.

"Anything for you" I said rubbing her back and kissing her forehead.

"Is he dead" she asked sniffling.

"I wish, but if I kill somebody my uncle won't allow me to get away with it" I said chuckling.

"Damn right" Uncle Damon said walking up the stairs towards us.

"Dawg how'd you get in here" Dinah asked him.

"I'm a cop, I'm very aware of my surroundings. Don't leave your key in a bush it's what everybody does" Uncle Damon said tossing Dinah the key.

"You're ridiculous" Dinah said catching the key and giggling.

"So what happened here, is that a brush in his ass" he said looking at Arin then back at me.

"He beat on her and raped her" I said tightening my grip around Normani.

"Okay well, he'll do about 30 years. 20 for rape and 10 for the abuse" my uncle said.

"That's not long enough" I growled.

"I mean you beat the fuck out of him, and when word gets out that he did all the to Normani he'll get his ass beat damn near every day in jail. He's gonna be in there with my brothers, cousins, and nephew." He said.

"Good tell uncle Craig, Vince, and John to rape his bitch ass" I said chuckling bitterly.

"You better off telling yo sweet ass cousin Carter" He said chuckling.

"You right, I'll tell him to tell the others what's happening when he calls me next month" I said.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now