Chapter 11

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"All I'm saying is, why a brush" uncle Damon asked as I passed the mashed potatoes.

"It was the closest thing" I said laughing and beginning to eat my food.

"My niece is a savage" auntie Kendra said.

"Hell yeah, she not with the shits" my little cousin Shayla said.

"Aye watch yo mouth Shay" I said putting my fork down and popping her in the forehead.

"Shay got popped" Shad said laughing.

"Keep laughing imma pop you too" I said glaring at him.

"Since we're all having a family dinner, I have a serious question for you" Renay said looking at me.

"Me too" Shad said.

"WassCraCcin kiddos" i said looking at my siblings.

"Can you adopt us, not just you but Normani too" Renay asked.

"I was actually thinking about it, mom is too into the asshole to pay attention to yall and I'm grown and I care about yall. I'll get back to you on it but it's most likely a yes, I'll have to speak with Normani as well" I said then returning to my food.

"Can I love with you full time" Danielle asked.

"You already do" I said laughing and wrapping my arm around Danielle's shoulders and squeezing her.

"You're like the brother I always wanted" she said giggling.

"I can be that big brother or I can be a big sister, ask Renay she knows" I said chuckling.

"When I was little Y/n use to play dolls with me, have tea parties, play dress up, and watch princess movies" Renay said laughing.

"And Y/n still plays any sport with me, plays video games, have burping contests, wrestles, and teaches me about girls" Shad said.

"Okay well you're a boy in my eyes" Danielle said making us all laugh.

"She's a boy in all of our eyes cause that's what she feels comfortable being" Renay said giggling and kissing my cheek.

"We appreciate everything you do Y/n" uncle Damon said.

"We love you" auntie Kendra said.

"Awww, I love yall too" I said smiling wide.


"Alright Shad, I'm going on tour and you're going to be an opening act" I said to my little brother.

"No're lying....I'm dreaming" Shad said sounding like he was hyperventilating.

"Calm down" i said laughing.

"You're the greatest sister" he said hugging me tight.

"And you're the greatest little brother, tour starts before you go back to school. You and Renay will be home schooled" I said hugging him back.

"Home schooled" Renay yelled.

"Are you trying to ruin my reputation" she yelled again.

"I mean you wanna live with me and have fame, dumb money, and all the love you can imagine or do you wanna live with mom and her bitch" i asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Let's go home school" Renay said doing a toe touch and a tumble.

"Exactly my little cheerleader" I said laughing.

"Okay I have cheer, Shad has rap, you have damn near everything, what about Danielle" she asked.

"I don't know what I'm good at" Danielle said.

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