Chapter 24

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"Knock knock bitch" I yelled kicking the door in.

"Damn you could've at least rung the door bell" Diggy said leaning on the wall closest to the stairs.

"Find the girls I got this fuck nigga" I said making the other run off to search the house.

"Come back to us in one piece" Lauren said squeezing my shoulder and following the others.

"Now it's just you me and Zaniyah" I said.

"Who's Zaniyah" Diggy asked.

"Oh nobody just my gun" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Cool" he said shrugging.

"But I'm willing to put it down and beat your ass the old school way" I said smirking.

"You really don't want no smoke fam" he said.

"Nah cuzzo you finna shoot my 1,2,3,4,5 n motherfucking 6 right the fuck now nigga. Run my fucking fade dawg" I said putting my gun in the waistband of my pants.

"You sure" he said getting closer.

"Set into the paint pooch ass nigga" I said throwing up my set.

"You asked for it" he said going for a jab but I dodged it and kicked him in his knee making him fall back.

"Gotta be quicker than that" I said like the dude from the State Farm commercial. He hoped up off the floor too fast and lost his balance so I uppercuted him making him fall harder and faster.

"Y/n you need to see this" I heard Lauren yell. So to put the fight on hold i pulled Diggy off the floor and bunched him in his temple to knock him out.

"Marco" i yelled walking around looking for Lauren.

"Polo" she yelled back. It sounded like she was in the basement but that shit was sealed up with wood.

"Oh fuck no, i saw this in the conjuring. Whatever fuck ass demon is fucking with me get yo bitch ass on before I get the vacuum and suck yo haunted ass up" I yelled hearing laughter coming from down there.

"Baby it's us" I heard Normani yell.

"How the fuck, aye if it's really a ghost I swear to god you can have anything you want just don't kill me" I said sliding into the opening between the boards.

"I want you to shut the fuck up stupid" Camila said giggling.

"Why the fuck is it so dark, yall can't even see each other" I groaned pulling out my phone using the flash light. When I turned on the light i screamed like a little bitch because I was face to face with a fucking scary ass mask that look like Renay when she wake up. "Renay you scared the fuck out of me." I said holding my chest.

"Bitch you damn well that ain't me I'll slap the goofy out yo skinny ass" Renay said making me turn around and hug my sister.

"I missed you ugly" I said hugging her tighter and she sobbed into my chest.

"Baby" Normani yelled joining the hug and crying into my neck.

"Reunions over bitch" was the last thing I heard before a gun shot went off and everything went black.


Been staring at my fucking body for 4 months and Normani should be having the triplets in another month. Her stomach has gotten so big and she occasionally puts my hand on her stomach to feel them kicking. I just want to fucking wake up already. The day I got shot everybody was crying their eyes out, Lucas took it the hardest. Little man never leaves my side, Normani has to force him to eat and shower cause if she doesn't he'd most likely starve and smell like ass.

"Baby please wake up, we need you" Normani said holding my hand. You know what I'm finna try some shit I seen in a movie. I ran from the other side of the room and tried to jump into my body.

"That's not gonna work dumb ass" Lauren said laughing.

"What the fuck, bitch you see me" I said with wide eyes.

"They don't call me Casper for nothing" she said winking at me.

"No, can't be dead" I said with tears in my eyes.

"Nah I'm not dead, I'm in a coma like you but I've been in mine for 3 months cause I went after Diggy. I shot him 4 times and on my way back to the house my car ran off the road and flipped over." She explained.

"Aye, I thought I shot him" I yelled.

"Nah that was a dream cause he shot you" she said laughing.

It's time for you girls to return..... (*looks up and around* JESUS 😱....swear it be like that when yo parents call your name from another room and you not expecting it)

"What the fuck" I groaned. My neck my back my neck and my back!!

"Mama" Lucas yelled hugging he.

"Whoa easy tiger my whole body hurts right now" I said patting his head.

"Babe" Normani said walking out of the bathroom looking at me with tears in her eyes. She ran over to me and kissed me with so much love and passion.

"Whoa there, I know my breath smell like hot garbage and ass so you're a brave soul" I said making them burst out laughing.

"I missed you mama" Lucas said smiling at me.

"I missed you too Lu" I said smiling and showing off my dimples.

"Now it's Lauren's turn" Normani said sighing.

"Lauren" I said getting up feeling pain in my back. I shook it off and made my way to Lauren's room tubes still connected and all.

"Y/n" Dinah said looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Why the tears baby girl" I said smiling and showing off my dimples.

"She's happy to see her favorite cousin" Lauren said with her voice raspier than usual.

"Babe" Dinah yelled hugging Lauren and kissing her all over her face and shit.

"We are a family like a giant tree branching out towards the sky" Lucas sang walking into the room with Normani making me chuckle.

"Buddy you got pipes but this ain't dreamgirls" I said making him roll his eyes.

"You wanna go back into another coma" he asked me with a serious ass face making us all burst out laughing.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now