Chapter 20

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5 years later

Lucas pov

"Girl stop playing with me imma make you my wifey I don't care about your man he don't really matter he just temporary" I sang to China.

"Boy I got a boyfriend" China said pushing me off her and rolling her eyes and walking away.

"China I've been chasing you since we were 3 stop playing with my emotions and just marry me" I said following her.

"We're only 9" she said giggling.

"So what, I know it's a big step but I'm ready to man up and take care of my family" I said grabbing her hand and getting down on one knee.

"Boy what are you doing" she said laughing.

"I know you've been acting like you ain't want me for years now, but I got mad love for you China and thats never gonna change. China Anne McClain will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me" I said pulling out a ring pop making her laugh even harder and nod her head.

"I'll marry you fool" she said giggling. I took the ring out the wrapper and placed it on her finger.

"What's going on baby" Trevor said walking over putting his arm around MY girl.

"Actually we married jay z" I said making fun of his lips.

"What you call me" he asked getting close to me. I got up off the floor and dusted off my pants.

"Getting close to my face while I'm on the ground is a little gay big fella. But if you must know I called you Jay Z" I said making China giggle.

"Come on let's go" China said pulling on my hand.

"Girl you got going nowhere with this fool, you're mine" Trevor said pulling her back.

"Man we needa go ya moms in the car tripping" Jeremy said walking over with his arm around Skai.

"Come on China" I said pulling her away from Trevor and putting my arm across her shoulder. Trevor turned me around and punched me dead in the face. I gave him a look like I was going to kill him.

"You shouldn't have done that" Jeremy said to Trevor. I don't know what took over me but I jumped up and punched him in his jaw. The only reason I jumped is cause dudes a giant.

"Just cause you're an 11 year old in 4th grade doesn't make you superior it just makes you stupid." I said kicking him in his stomach and knocking him over.

"The bigger they are" Jeremy said.

"The harder they fall" I finished putting my arm around China again and walking over to my moms car opening the door for her.

"I saw that fight are you okay Lu" Ma asked.

"Yeah my jaw hurts a little but mommy can fix it with some ice and a kiss" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"You beat his ass though, I'm proud" she said reaching back and ruffling my hair.

"He proposed to me too" China said making ma slam on the breaks.

"Jesus woman you trying to kill us" I yelled.

"Your moms gonna beat your ass" she said laughing and shaking her head.

"Double A isn't lying, you're suppose to be mommys baby" Jeremy said quoting what my mom always says.

"He's not lying" China said. Skai and China have been around us since we were 2 years old because their moms moved in on both sides of is. Skai on the left and China on the right, since then the four of us spend all our time together. Skai and Jeremy have been together since we were 4.

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