Chapter 5

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*last week of school*

"Just cause it's the last week doesn't mean you can sleep all day, Y/n you're failing my damn class" Ms. Fenley said.

"Since Ziyah moved you realize she don't do much right" my right hand Brenda said.

"You don't either" I said chuckling.

"Cause we use to be the three musketeers" she said sighing.

"I can't believe she moved, it's good for me and Manis relationship but I miss my partner in crime" I said leaning my head against the wall behind me.

"For real she use to fuck with you just to piss Normani off" She said laughing.

"Or when she use to FaceTime Normani making her think it was me calling" I said laughing with her.

"Y/n come sit over here" Ms. Fenley said.

"I'm a whole senior....this what we not finna do" I said rolling my eyes.

"Move or get out" She threatened.

"Well I'll see you later right hand" I said to Brenda and walked out of class.

"Where are you going" an administrator yelled.

"Home" I said walking out the back of the school to my car. I pulled my phone out and texted Normani telling her to meet me in the mall.


"Shouldn't you be in school" Ally asked when I walked over to them.

"Eh" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Fenley" Dinah asked rolling her eyes.

"Hell yeah, she just mad my dad don't want her dried pussy having ass dusty weave having ass doodlebob erased edges having ass im dirty dan neck ass 27 but I still can't get my back cracked face ass I want dick from a 39 year old nigga face ass living like Larry body ass my pussy dryer than spongebob out of water face ass dumb dumb bring me gum gum face ass I pop pussy for whoever wants it looking ass" I said making them all fall out laughing but I kept a serious face.

"That bitch said doodlebob" Dinah said still laughing.

"He walked up and mehoyneyoyme her damn edges" I said making them laugh even harder.

"You hell" Normani said resting her head on my shoulder trying to catch her breath.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up" some white red head yelled.

"Dawg chill out it's not even that deep just stay yo ass over there and mind yo fucking business" I said rolling my eyes.

"Look dyke I don't have time for you" she growled.

"You look like you're about 16 kid hop off my dick cause you brought yo pasty ass over here" I said.

"I'm 13 and my names Danielle" she said rolling her eyes.

"Well strawberry shortcake I'm 19, didn't ask and your mother needs to beat yo skinny ass" I said.

"Yeah right, I wish the fuck she would" she said looking at her mother then laughing.

"Oh hell nah" I stood up and took off my belt handing it to her mom.

"I'm not going to beat her" her mom said giving me my belt back so I grabbed Danielle by her arm and looked at her mom asking for permission and she allowed. Once she nodded I started beating the hell out this little rude ass middle schooler.

"Don't ever disrespect another adult or your mother again" I said after hitting her 12 more times.

"Cash me ousside howbow dat" Danielle said crying making us all look at her stupid.

"Learn proper English howbow dat" Normani said making us all burst out laughing including Danielle's mom.

"Here's my number and I stay right down the street so let me know if you need any help with her. I have a little sister who's 14 and my mom says she thinks she's grown so I'm gonna be straightening her out all summer. I can keep D over break if you want so you can have a break" i said giving her mom a card with my number on it.

"I'll give you a call on the last day of school with a decision" she said.

"Trust me, if Y/n can't fix her nobody can" Dinah said shaking her head at Danielle who was wiping her tear stained cheeks.

"Stop crying kid, it's for your own good" I said wrapping my arm around Danielle's shoulder and hugging her.

"Why do you care so much" Danielle asked.

"Cause I was like you at one point except I'm actually allowed to say nigga without getting jumped" I said chuckling making her giggle.

"You're going to be an amazing mom one day" Her mom said hugging me and thanking me.

"Mom can I spend break with Y/n" Danielle asked.

"Why do you wanna do that so bad just a few seconds ago you were getting beat" Her mom said.

"Cause she makes me wanna change" Danielle said smiling up at me.

"Aye don't be crushing on my baby daddy" Normani said making us all laugh.

"Never that I don't like females at least I don't think I do" Danielle said.

"You're only 13 you don't know yourself yet, whatever you decide I'll love you no matter what" her mom told her.

"Shit, she's a bad ass little girl and you're still putting up with her that's how you know you love her" I said chuckling.

"For real we would've got our asses beat nonstop" Dinah said.

"One question" Danielle said looking at me.

"Wassup" i asked.

"Can I curse" she asked.

"Ion know lil shawty I'll have to think about it" I said chuckling and ruffling her hair.

"We gotta go to the studio but it was nice talking to you" Normani said hugging the two.

"It really was" I said hugging them as well then grabbing Normanis hand.

"Bye, I'll call you" Danielle's mom said as we walked away.


"That's bitch said pussy popping throat stopping head bobbing bed rocking fun" Dinah said quoting me and laughing her ass off along with me and the other girls.

"I can't breath" Lauren said trying to catch her breath.

"Yo that shit was so funny" Ally said making us all look at her with wide eyes.

"Ally" Camila yelled.

"Oh shut the fuck up im not an angel" Ally said rolling her eyes.

"No but you are Jesus" I said.

"Eat a gat" She said.

"Oh damn you been hanging around Y/n too long" Normani said sighing.

"What does that even mean" Camila asked.

"Eat a dick" We all answered.

"Yeah well I gotta go....I have a um...thing" She said scratching the back of her neck making us all laugh at her.

"What you got" I asked making her think hard.

"A meeting" she answered.

"Oh for real" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah about my performance for the KCA's" She answered.

"We don't care but okay" Lauren said making me snicker but cover it up with a cough.

"Mhm...go" I said dismissing her making her hop up and leave quick.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now