Chapter 13

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*2 weeks later*

"All I'm saying is, Miss D could be a little easier on y'all" I said kissing Faiths forehead. Sunjai is here too but she's on the phone with her old professor explaining to him how she graduated early.

"Yeah, but she just wants everything perfect" Faith said shrugging her shoulders.

"Mama, mommy said bring yo ass on so you can discuss Danielle and Renays punishment for having a crazy ass party last week. She told me to say it just like that so don't hit me" Shad said. We adopted them last week and while me and Normani were out talking to management and shit these 2 bad ass girls had a lit ass party.

"I'll be back babe" I said giving Faith a quick kiss and jogging into the kitchen to face my baby mama and daughters.

"We also need to talk after this" Normani said when I sat down all I did was nod my head.

"So y'all are grounded for a week and yall needa gimmie them phones, yall were doing good for a while so I won't punish y'all too bad" I said putting my hand out for their phones and they willingly gave them to me. "Y'all will also be staying in the punishment rooms" I said smirking.

"Nooo, there's no tv, ac, door, hell there's nothing but a bed and dresser" Danielle said.

"Exactly, take some art supplies and color or you can take some books and study" I said winking and sending them off.

"We still love you tho ma" Renay said walking away with Danielle.

"Now what were we going to talk about" I asked Normani.


How the fuck do I tell this to Faith and Sunjai, it's going to crush them. I did them so dirty and I actually have feelings for them, but what I got for Normani is real love. Imma just out and say it.

"I slept with Normani last month and now she's pregnant" I blurted.

"We know" Faith said eating her watermelon.

"We aren't idiots" Sunjai said taking some of my pineapples.

"So yall okay with it" I asked.

"Y/n we have feelings for you, but it's clear you love Normani and yall have a family already. We have no choice to be okay with it if we want to remain friends with you" Faith said.

"Basically, go get your girl" Sunjai said.

"Y'all are absolutely amazing" I said chuckling and running up stairs to Normanis room.

"Ugh get out" Normani groaned with her face in her pillow.

"What's wrong" I asked sitting at the foot of her bed.

"I'm fucking pregnant and my baby mama got 2 girlfriends and nobody is gonna want a bitch with kids" Normani cried into the pillow.

"Hey look at me, I want you. Normani you having kids really isn't a bad thing considering you're an amazing female with a big heart. You got a great ass body and also a great ass" I said lifting her chin so she'd look at me. I chuckled when I said great ass tho.

"What about Faith and Sunjai" she asked.

"You can have her" They yelled making me chuckle.

"See" I said.

"Then can I get another chance, I promise I won't mess this one up" she pleaded.

"Of course" I said kissing her forehead.

"Hey bitch let's fucking go" somebody yelled from down stairs.

"Somebody in yo house" Faith yelled.

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