Chapter 12

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*after dinner*

"Alright sis let me fill you in on some ages so you don't get too caught up and realize they're either too young or too old" i said laughing making her glare at me. "My baby Cam is 16, my other baby Crystianna is 15 (irl she's 14), Faith is 18 (irl she's 16), Kayla is 19, and the twins Star and Sky are 17" I said pointing to each of them.

"Don't forget me" I heard from behind me. I turned around and I couldn't even recognize who it was. "I go off to college and stop making out with you and you don't even recognize me."

"Sunjai" I yelled running over to her picking her up and spinning her around.

"Whoa making out" Kayla said with a smirk.

"Is there something you need to tell me" Faith said with her arms folded.

"Baby it's nothing" I said grabbing Faiths hands and pulling her close.

"I thought we had something special" she said pretending to cry.

"I'm sorry, she's my past you're my present" i said making her look at me and leaning in like I was gonna kiss her.

"If y'all kiss imma kill you" Crystianna said.

"Yall some good actresses" Renay said laughing.

"Thank you thank you" I said taking a bow.

"So I'm the past" Sunjai asked raising her eyebrow.

"Haven't seen you since you left" I said shrugging.

"You know you miss these lips" she said puckering her lips.

"There are children present so I can't say what you miss" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh that note I'm gone" Camryn said.

"Right behind ya" the twins, Renay, and Crystianna said.

"Yall can go in the movie room and I carry yall to Re room if yall fall asleep or yall can go straight to Re room" I told them before they went upstairs.

"Movie room" Renay yelled taking off running with the others following.

"We got grown folks business" Kayla said sitting on the couch.

"We getting so old" Sunjai said.

"Faith wouldn't know she hasn't been with us that long" I said laughing and putting my arm around her shoulder.

"I see you found you a new boo" Dinah said walking into my house unannounced as always.

"Faith this is my cousin Dinah, Dinah this is Faith" I said introducing them to each other.

"Hi, I'm a big fan by the way" Faith said.

"You gone really eat them words when the baby mama get here" Dinah said chuckling.

"So I guess we invisible" Kayla said.

"Sunjai Kayla" she yelled jumping on them both.

"Well damn" Lauren said walking in with the others to find Dinah squeezing the life out of our childhood friends.

"Where's Crystianna and my baby CamCam" Dinah asked.

"Upstairs with Renay and the twins" I answered and once I said that she took off running.

"Is she always that excited" Faith asked.

"Yeah, you get use to it" Sunjai said laying her head on my chest making me wrap my arm around her and kiss her forehead. Faith glared at her and rolled her eyes.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now