Chapter 23

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"You're gonna go to jail, don't do it" my mama yelled at me but I still didn't listen. I pulled the trigger and shot him right between his eyes. The only thing I could say was "it's all over."


It's been 3 weeks and we still can't find the girls, I'm losing my mind and so are Lauren and Ally. Turns out Dinah is 2 months pregnant with Lauren's kid and Ally was planning on proposing to Mila. I picked up my phone to call Zendaya but I got a call from Normani.

"Aye Mani calling, get ready to find her yall" i yelled making everybody get ready while I answered the phone and put it on speaker.

(N: Normani, D: Diggy, Dj: Dinah, C: Camila, R: Renay)

N: y/n is gonna kill your sorry ass

D: that's if she finds me, slut

Dj: I'm sure she knows we're in a dark room with one window and it looks like a basement

C: she probably knows we're not even in Georgia anymore

D: how did you know we were in Cuba

R: she didn't you just told her

D: oh well yeah, we in Cuba in my vacation home

I heard footsteps and a door close

N: i hope you got all that Y/n because we need you to hurry up

Dj: we can't hold out much longer

R: he's tried to take one of us at least 5 times but we won't allow it to happen

C: I'm tired of peeing on myself to keep him from grabbing me

Me: we on our way, just keep fighting. I love all of y'all, stay safe


We've been searching Cuba for a week and still nothing sign of the girls. We all refuse to give up though because they all mean the world to us. Word has gotten out that they're missing and that Diggy has them so there's only a matter of time before Tori crazy ass show up and shoot somebody ass. My mom flew out the other day to try and help us find the girls, Lucas is here with me and I never let him out if my sight. I already lost my wife and triplets I'm not losing him.

"Y/n we got a hit" Ally yelled running to the car. The rest of us followed running to our separate cares. We followed her to this house that looks hella fucking vacant.

"They're in there" Ally said as we all got out the car and got into a circle.

"Okay Corey, Zendaya, Lauren, Marquel, Breey, and Nathifa lets go" I said pulling my glock out and getting ready to walk in the house.

"Please be safe" Ziyah yelled making me turn around and pull her into a tight hug.

"If anything happens to me, take care of my little man" I said pulling away from the hug and picking up Lucas.

"Bring mommy home to us" Lucas said kissing my cheek and wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me.

"I will Nugget, promise me you won't leave this car unless somebody you don't know gets in" I said giving him a look.

"I promise" he said.

"Good, if you don't know them and they get in what do you do" I asked.

"Tuck and roll nigga tuck and roll" he yelled making me chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"That's right kid" I said opening the car door putting him in the back seat and walking back to the others.

"Be safe" my mom yelled.

"If I'm not back in 5 minutes come in after me, Ally call the cops like right now so they'll be here" I said making everybody nod.

"Let's get this son of a bitch" Lauren said smirking at me.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now