Chapter 8

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*a week later*

So my brother and sister are living with me full time now and my stupid ass mom decided to stay with her asshole of a nigga. Why...ion fucking know. But right now I'm at Dinah's house with Dinah, Lauren, Normani, and Z just got here.

"Babyyyyy" Ziyah yelled jumping on my back.

"WassCraCcin" i said pulling her off my back and hugging her.

"I missed you" she said giggling.

"I missed you too midget" I said chuckling and leading her to the kitchen to say hey to the others.

"Hey Z" Laurinah yelled.

"Ziyah" Normani said rolling her eyes.

"Normani" Ziyah said glaring at Mani.

"Y/n get here" Normani said pointing next to her.

"Aye my cousin ain't no fucking dog" Dinah said glaring at Normani.

"Right, i don't know what the fuck yo ass been on lately but you been treating a nigga like a side peace and I ain't with the shits" I said rolling my eyes.

"Awww trouble in paradise" Ziyah said grabbing my hand interlocking our fingers.

"Let go" Normani said glaring at me.

"Just do what she says so she hops off your tip" Lauren said.

"I wish she was on it" I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"Wait yall not fucking" Ziyah said with wide eyes.

"Nope, she won't let me touch her no more" I said sighing and shrugging my shoulders.

"That's pretty fucked up Mani, she does everything to keep you happy and she can't even get her dick wet" Lauren said.

"For real, my baby gets all the ass she can possibly imagine" Dinah said.

"Big ol facts" Lauren said agreeing.

"You need to stop hanging around my cousin so much" Dinah said laughing.

"Let's go" Ziyah said pulling on my arm.

"Where the fuck y'all going" Normani said raising her eyebrow.

"Babe I told you like last month that I had a day planned just for me, Ziyah, and Brenda" I said rolling my eyes cause she wasn't listening to me.

"I'm sorry baby, I should've been listening" she said pouting and walking over to me pecking my lips.

"Mhm" i said moving away from her and grabbing my keys following Ziyah out the front door.


"Yo we use to have so much fucking fun together" I said dying laughing with Z and my right hand.

"Big ol facts" Ziyah said giggling.

"I miss us" Brenda said sighing.

"Right we were the life of the fucking school" I said chuckling and taking a sip of my soda.

"It's all good cause we're still the life of the party" Ziyah said.

"Word, Z you got yo shit in my house yet" I asked.

"Yeah, I got half there and half at Brenda's" She answered.

"Cool, cool, Normani gone be pissed" I said chuckling.

"It's not like I live there full time, I'm probably gonna be at Brenda's most of the time. It's just a temporary move until I get on my own 2 feet" she said rolling her eyes.

"You right, let's go. I gotta pick my shit up from Manis then get home to the rugrats" I said standing up and pulling Z chair out helping her up.

"Yall need to go back out, you and Normani cute and all but she acting different" Brenda said.

"You right, but you know Normani is my baby right hand" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"So is Ziyah" she said smirking and walking out the McDonald's.


"Babe I'm just here to grab my-" before I could even finish my sentence I stood there in the door way in disbelief.

"It's not what you think" Normani yelled.

"Sure it's not, finish sucking his dick Normani it's all good. Just know I'm done with you" I said grabbing my duffle bag and putting all my shit in it, including the shit i bought for her. "You won't need these anymore" I said chuckling bitterly and walking out the room slamming the door behind me. Once I got down stairs and out the front door I broke down, I sat on the ground and just started crying dumb hard.

"What's wrong" Ziyah yelled rushing to my side and hugging me close.

"Normani and Arin" i said crying into her chest.

"Oh fuck no" she growled, then yelled my cousins name loud as hell making her come from her house across the street.

"What the fuck is wrong with my cousin" Dinah yelled rushing over to me.

"Your friend" Ziyah said through gritted teeth getting up and bursting into Normanis house.

*Ziyahs pov*

"Where you at bitch, imma beat yo ass till there's nothing left for me to beat" I yelled running through the house looking for her. I took my heels off the second I got in here along with my earrings. "Bingo" I said finding her room and kicking the door in.

"What the fuck" Arin yelled.

"Get the fuck out, this between me and her" I said putting my hair in a pony tail.

"Listen bitch I have no time for you, I need to get my girlfriend back" Normani said.

"Your girlfriend, nah baby girl you're confused and you definitely won't solve anything laying on your back taking pipe" I said chuckling and popping my nails off one by one.

"Look you need to leave" Arin said pushing me back too hard making me stumble.

"Don't fucking touch her" Y/n yelled coming out of nowhere and punching Arin in his face. "I'm crazy bout that one, that's one you don't fuck with." She said picking him up by his collar pinning him to the wall.

"Same goes for that one" I said to Normani walking over to her and bitch slapping her across the face.

"Bitch don't fucking hit me" Normani yelled punching me in the chest. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her off the bed while punching her in the face repeatedly. She tried her hardest to get out of my grip but she failed and her track ended up sliding out.

"Damn, that girl lost her bundles" Dinah said laughing.

"Oh man got Sam" Y/n said laughing her ass off and picking up Normanis track throwing it like confetti. Arin is just sitting in a corner in shock because daddy scared the shit out of him.

"Bitch" Normani said tackling me and straddling my waist but before she could get a hit in I flipped us over and started pounding her face in.

"Alright baby girl she has a tour soon you can't damage her too much" Y/n said pulling me off and away from Normani.

"Don't ever come near Y/n again, bitches like you don't deserve loyal ass daddy ass people like her" I said spitting on her and walking away with a smirk on my face.

"Yo you beat her ass" Dinah said laughing.

"You're suppose to be my friend" Normani said to Dinah from the top of the stairs.

"Bitch fuck you, you cheated on my cousin and she ain't do shit but treat you right. Blood thicker than water" Dinah yelled.

"Facts they don't need a bond as loose as your walls" I said making Y/n and Dinah burst out laughing as we walked out the front door.

My Cousins Best Friend (Normani/you)Where stories live. Discover now