Chapter 2: Amnesia

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  • Dedicated to Robert Turay

Victoria's POV:

I sat shell shocked in the driver’s seat of my silver VW Golf, paralyzed to the spot. My breathing came back to normal but my hands were still shaking uncontrollably. I can't believe I just hit someone. Wait, he could still be alive! And I'm just sitting it my car staring into space while the poor guy is probably an inch a way from death, in the raging storm! Knocked back into my senses, I drastically flung open the door of my vehicle and slammed it shut. I was immediately greeting by the harsh bite of the wind and the bullet-like pelts of rain. My head lights were still on, which acted like a spot light on the unconscious body, laying a few metres in front of my car. My heart kicked into high gear at the sight of the vulnerable, helpless crazy man, who could possibly be dead, inert in an awkward position. I urgently scrambled to his side, fighting against the huge gusts of wind along the way. He was soaked to the bone in rain water, and a blotchy blue/purple bruise was prominent on his fore head. Please be alive. I abruptly checked his neck for a pulse and fortunately, I found one! It was faint but at least it was there.

What do I do now? The emergency services were probably very limited due to the storm, so I guess I will have to drive him to the hospital. The guy looks about six feet, so how on earth am I going to carry him to the car?

I ran back into my car and drove so that it was repositioned directly opposite his body, to make it quicker and easier for me to get him into my VW Golf. I stopped the car but left the engine running, opened the door then swiftly jumped out and rushed to his side. I proceeded to hook my arms under his and drag him into the backseats of my car. Goodness gracious, this guy weighs a tonne! I plopped him on to the backseats and closed the car door. Then I ran to the driver’s side, got into my vehicle and drove frantically to the nearest hospital. I was still a little shaken from the incident yet my mind was set on getting this guy to some medical attention.

3 weeks later at my flat....

I turned the key to my flat and opened the door.

"Well this is where I live" I said, giving him a welcoming gesture and ushered him in to my home, closing the door behind him. I gave him a brief tour of the place; I had a one bed flat with an open plan living room and kitchen, a bathroom and a study. (I used to have two bedrooms but I turned one bedroom into a home office as I'm a self-employed accountant and I wanted to maintain a work/life distinction. Therefore, there's only one bedroom). In the living area there was a flat screen TV,  and beige sofas with  a matching coffee table. There was an electric cooker, coffee machine, kitchen appliances and washing machine in the kitchen. My bedroom had a double bed, floor to ceiling wardrobes and the bathroom has a bath and shower and toilet. Simple yet spacious living conditions, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Nice. It's really warm and inviting." The crazy man (what? I don't know what his real name is!) murmured, taking in his new surroundings. I nodded in response. We were currently in the living room standing in an uncomfortable silence.

"You can sit down if you want, make yourself at home" I suggested. He plopped down onto the beige sofa directly opposite the TV, while I sat on the chair adjacent to him. It was getting a bit awkward, as I fiddled with a loose stand of hair from my pony tail. I took a glance at his face which was wearing a calculating expression as he seemed to be in deep thought. I still could not get over how sexy he was. He caught me staring which caused lips to tug into a smile.

"Thank you for taking me in." he spoke earnestly, "You don't know how good it feels to be out of that dreadful hospital." His eyes were full of gratitude and something else that I couldn't pin point.

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