Chapter 8: Paraniod

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"You might as well give Alexis back her inflatable bed back, because some how, you always end up in the same bed with me." Marcus whispered, lighting chuckling, his chest vibrating against my back. I grunted in response and welcomed a peaceful slumber.


Victoria's POV:

I woke up to find that I was lying on top of Marcus, with my head resting on his warm chest that evenly rose and fell, and his left arm was wrapped loosely around my waist. It felt good to be so close to him in such an intimate position. But it was wrong, I shouldn't be getting used to this. I shouldn't have slept in the same bed as him. He is my guest and nothing more, yet my heart was beating rapidly as I was conflicted on what to do. If he wakes up then it would be so awkward. I wanted to stay in bed with him forever and melt into the security of his muscular arms, yet that would be inappropriate. I put my hands either side of him and slowly lifted my body so that I was looking down at his handsome face. I was really tempted to smother his lips with mine, and my body was overwhelmed by lust and desire as I longed for him to open those forest green eyes of his. If he did just open his eyes right now, then he would probably think I was a crazy person who watches people as they sleep. Consequently, I decided to reluctantly get off of him and slide off the bed. He mumbled something under his breath, and turned in his sleep. I walked out of my bedroom and walked down the hall to the bathroom to wash my face. I looked into the mirror and inspected my face; my raven black hair resembled an abandoned bird nest and my lips were dry and crisp. I proceeded to brush my teeth and have a quick shower.

When I was finished, I jumped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my body and made my way to the bedroom. When I stepped into the room, I was greeted by the delicious sight of Marcus in nothing but black track suit bottoms on, leaving his upper body unclothed and open for admiration. My eyes were glued to his rock hard abs and his lean muscles that I would never get tired looking at. Once again, my body was overcome with a wave of burning desire for this devilishly handsome man. Marcus had a grey shirt in his hand but he dropped it as soon as he saw me.

"I...I'm going to get dressed now." My voice was a bit little raspier than usual.

"Yeah...I'll give you some privacy." Marcus picked up his grey shirt, quickly slipped it on and fast walked out of the room with his eyes fixed on my the whole time. I held his lustful gaze until he softly closed the bedroom door behind him, disappearing out of sight. It was hard, yet I found a away to restrain myself from taking advantage of the situation we were in, and doing something I might regret. It gets harder to resist him everyday.


After breakfast...

"I'm going out to do some shopping, do you want anything?" I asked Marcus as I was standing by the front door waiting patiently for his answer. He was sitting on the sofa watching TV, nibbling at his cinnamon bun.

"Nah...I'm cool thanks." He flashed me his pearly whites and winked at me. I rolled my eyes at his playful behaviour. We both acted like the incident this morning never happened so there wasn't any awkwardness between us, which was a relief.

"Ok, see you in a few." I closed the door behind me and double checked that it was locked. Me and Marcus haven't really discussed much further on the threat of Michael Gory and I was starting to get a little paranoid. I had some pepper spray in my bag and made sure that I brought my phone with me. I walked down the block of stairs of the flat, opened the flat door and closed it behind me. I stopped to admire the weather; the sun was up and sky was clear, which brought a smile on my face. I made my way to the Tesco's around the corner keeping a sharp eye out for potential danger, remaining vigilant. On the walk there, I had the strangest feeling that I was being followed so I walked a bit faster in fear that Michael would pounce out of no where to get me. When I made it to Tesco's, I felt a little safer now that I was at a public place with a lot of people around. I should have told Marcus to come with me, I always feel safe in his presence for some reason. I brought the necessities that I needed, like toilet paper, sugar, bread, cheese, fruits and veg etc. I paid at the till and fast walked home. Half way there, I felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket, so I stopped in my tracks and shifted the shopping bags in my right hand to my left hand. I took out my phone to see that it was an unknown number and automatically answered it without thinking twice.

"Hello?" All I could hear was heavy breathing in return, which was really starting to freak me out.

"I can see you." The person finally replied, in a taunting voice. I knew that voice all too well: It was Michael! My heart started beating out of control, it was as if it was going to jump out of my chest. I dropped the shopping bags onto the floor, causing some off the contents to roll out on to the pavement. My hands started shaking and I was finding it hard to breath. I frantically looked around in order to get a visual on where he was, but he was no where in sight. How can he see me? Anger and fear surged through me, as I clutched the phone tightly.

"Where are you, and what do you want from me?!" I interrogated, yet I was met with his creepy laughing which resonated through the other side of the phone. He was cackling with laughter as if what I said was the funniest thing in the world and abruptly hung up without warning. I was frustrated and scared at the same time. I bet this is just some mindless game to him. He loves fear, in fact he thrives on it and that's what I was feeling right now. A whole lot of fear. I crunched down, frantically picking up the shopping bags, shoving the fallen contents which were a few cans of food and some bruised apples, back into the bags. I then proceed to run to my flat like a mad women, the other members of the public giving me weird looks as I did so. I dashed up the flights of stairs and fiddled with my keys. I shakily pushed the key into the key hole, turned it, pulled it out and burst through the door, slamming it behind me. I was breathing heavily, with my hands press against the door as I tried to catch my breath. Sweat trickled down my forehead and my heart rate was starting to level out again. When I turned around, I wasn't prepared for what I saw. I only left for a few minutes! I couldn't believe what I was witnessing in front of me; Marcus and Alexis were lip locking on the sofa oblivious to my presence. They were so into the kiss that they didn't even realise when I came in, this is ridiculous. For some reason, a wave of jealously washed through me, as I dropped the shopping bags once again and marched over to their direction.




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