Chapter 23: 'Curiosity Killed The Cat'

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I woke up straddling Marcus' body, my head resting on his naked chest. I was flooded by the glorious memories of last night; from the restaurant to the bedroom. Marcus really does have skillful hands...and is just as kinky as me. I wonder where he learnt how to do all of those things? I could imagine him being a player before he lost his memory, and I didn't like it one bit. He started stirring in his sleep and I kissed his chest affectionately. A moment later, I felt him kiss the top of my head.

"Good morning, beautiful." His voice was laced with sleep and sexy as hell.

"Good morning, handsome." I returned.

"I had fun last night, ravishing your body, but it's a shame I couldn't have you completely." His voice was low and husky. He started playing with my hair, which was no doubt a tangled mess.

"I'm kind of glad we didn't have sex last night though." I admitted.

"What? Why?" He asked, confusedly, and immediately stopped playing with my hair.

"You can only make love if your actually in love, Marcus." I rolled off of him and layed on my side, facing him. "I do have strong feelings for you, but I'm not sure if i'm in love with you. In fact, I've never been in love before. Before I met you, I'd practically given up on love. I've had pretty crap experiences with men, and I promised myself that I will only have sex with someone I'm in love with."

Marcus smiled at my words, yet it didn't reach his eyes, which briefly flashed with hurt. "I understand Victoria. I'm not even sure if I know what love is. I've watched a few chick flicks with Alexis, but I think you have to experience love to really know what it is. And since we both haven't experience it, we can learn what love is together, in time." My heart melted at the sincerity of his words.

"Aw, Marcus that was so sweet! I know that in time we will reach that point when we know that we love each other without a second thought." He smiled genuinely in return, and pulled me in for a passionate kiss.


I used my spatula to flip over a pancake in the frying pan, while Marcus put the last of the bacon that was frying in another pan, on a plate. I was so happy, I had the overwhelming feeling to burst into song; "In my life, there's been heartache and pain," I sang. "I don't know, if I can face it again. Can't stop now, I've traveled so far. To change this lonely life."

Marcus put four slices of bread in the toaster and took out the butter from the fridge. "I wanna know what love is!" Marcus continued, turning my solo into a duet. His voice was amazing! Powerful, yet as smooth as honey.

I shoveled the spatula under the pancake I was frying, and placed it on another plate, which was piled with other finished pancakes. "I want you to show me!" I caroled, the words flowing out of me.

The toast popped up from the toaster, and Marcus started spreading butter on them. "I wanna feel what love is!"He roared. I giggled in return.

I got out two more plates and put half the amount of bacon and pancakes on each. "I want you to show me!" My voiced quivered. Marcus put two buttered toasts on each plate and we smiled at each other, reading the sparkle in the other's eye.

We picked up our individual plates off the counter and belted in harmony: "I WANNA KNOW WHAT LO-" Our voices died out once we turned around, to find that Alexis was standing by the kitchen door, with her phone raised in her hand. We glared at her and she grinned in return.

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