Chapter 14: 'Bittersweet kisses'

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"You can't tell me that nothing happened this time. It's quite obvious what you two have been doing up in here. I've been watching TV for a good 45 minutes now. I heard a lot of shouting and then a deathly silence. I thought you killed each other or something, but I had to wait until The Notebook finished before I could actually check out what happened. Looking at the evidence; papers all over the floor, both your hairs are a hot mess, a hickey on your neck Victoria, and not to mention when I opened the door, I witnessed you two pulling away from a passionate kiss. There's no denying it now, I KNEW you guys liked each other. Don't think I forgot about McDonalds and that exchange between you two at Madeline Avenue." Alexis spoke smugly.

I ignored everything she said. "What are you doing in my study?!" I demanded, trying to sound angry, and attempting to change the subject.


Alexis gave me a flat look. "Victoria, don't try to change-"

"Right! Both of you out." I interrupted. Marcus gave me a confused look as I push him out of my study along with Alexis, then slammed the door behind them. I leaned on the door and sighed in frustration. I've gone through a rollercoaster of emotions today; with the fatigue and disappointment of thewhole wasted journey across London, the anger of the invasion of my privacy, the heated make out session fuelled with lust and passion, the sadness and grief of my grandfather's note, and the inevitable awkwardness now that Alexis had caught me and Marcus locking lips. What have I done?! I've complicated things. The mysterious 'Gabby' person, who was dining with Marcus before the accident occurred, is without a doubt; his girlfriend. For the first time in my life, I'm actually falling for someone. For someone who I don't even know. Marcus lost his memory! I don't even know if his current personality is the same as the one he had before he lost his memory. I don't know his real name; he could be a murderer for all I know. I can't let myself fall for him because when the time comes, when he remembers it all, when he remembers her, then he'll just leave me with a broken heart. The very thought makes my heart wither with pain and sorrow. I know it's selfish of me, but I wish he never gets his memory back. Well, at least memories of that 'Gabby' woman--ugh! Now, I'm suffering from the hollow disease of jealousy. I need to focus on helping Marcus, and not my own selfish desires.

I took a deep breath, opened the door to my study, stepped out and closed it behind me. I went into the living room to check on Alexis. The TV was off and Alexis was sleeping soundly on the inflatable bed, lightly snoring. I turned on my heels and made my way to the bedroom. I opened the door and peered in and saw that the lights were off, yet the moonlight that shone through the window, made it possible for me to see where I was going. Marcus was on the far end of the bed with the covers over him and his back facing me.

"Are you awake?" I whispered as I nervously walked to the bed, Marcus turned his body around so that he was facing me.

"Yep." He replied, with small smile on his face. Too bad I'm about to turn that gorgeous smile into a frown. I need to do this. I need to be distant.

I kept my face neutral. "Good, because I need to confirm a few things with you. Number one; you are to never come into my study again. Two; you tell no one about my Grandfather, the note, or anything else from my past that you saw in my study. And three; you need to forget about the kiss. Just act like nothing happened." Just as I predicted, the smile immediately dropped from his handsome face and he sat up. Hurt, confusion, and anger flashed through his eyes.

"What the hell Victoria!? What's up with your sudden change in attitude? I thought you said that you trusted me-"

"I do-"

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