Chapter 5: News Flash

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"Introducing...the sexy...irresistible...Marcus the handsome!" She screamed, obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes. That was so unnecessary, in fact, all of this is unnecessary. She opened her bedroom door and I gasped in surprise at the man that walked out...


...was the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I never call men beautiful but he was...he was...absolutely breath-taking:

He stood in a mighty pose with his left hand behind his head, and his face tilted slightly upwards, his eyes looking up at the ceiling. If I had just met him, I would have mistaken him for a male model. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of dark jeans that hung low on his waist. I observed him from top to bottom; his hair was a soft, caramel brown, and dishevelled; some strands brushed his forehead yet it was slightly stylish. It was much shorter than the overgrown locks he previously had. His small beard was no longer there and his face reverberated with rugged masculinity, accentuated by his 5 o clock shadow which was neatly shaped to perfection. Radiantly and perfectly, his skin glowed like a sun gleaming, and I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly clear skin--Which my hands were itching to touch. Intense, forest green eyes brought out his natural charm, and lit a raging fire with in me, that only he could quench. His thick brown eyebrows showed content, but confidence at the same time. His body was a sculpture of a master craftsman. He had an athletic physique with well-defined and developed muscles, just begging to be explored thoroughly. He was truly the man of my dreams.

The music being turned off pulled me out of my trance. Marcus' heart-warming smile made me weak at my knees, as he broke out of his pose and slowly approached me with a spark in his eyes.

"Well...what'd you think?" He asked expectantly.

"You look...amazing." His smile widened at my choice of words.

"I know right?! He's an art of perfection!" Alexis shouted from the other side of the room, swooning onto the sofa next to the radio. I didn't even realise when she walked over there, my eyes were a bit too preoccupied.

"I thought I sent you off to get some clothes? Yet, the only clothes you've got on are a pair of jeans." I observed, with a smirk on my face. He returned my smirk and glanced at Alexis, hinting that it was her who assigned his dress code.

Alexis raised her hand admittedly. "That would be my doing; I'd, I knew, that him being shirtless would make the unveiling of his deliciousness, much more sexier!" She explained, putting emphasis on every word." Connor sure does know how to fix a guy up. No offense Marcus, but when I first met you, you looked like one of those cavemen back in the stone ages. A very sexy caveman indeed." She added. Both Marcus and I rolled our eyes at her bluntness.


Back at my place...


Marcus had unfortunately put a black V-neck shirt on his glorious body, and is now sitting on the sofa next to me while we watched Step Up Miami Heat. His leg was touching mine and the physical contact was very distracting. As the adverts came on, interrupting the amazing movie, I suddenly felt the urge to question him about him coping with the whole amnesia thing. I turned my head to him and bit my lip out of nerves. "Marcus?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Yeah?," he replied, tearing his eyes from the TV screen, and shifting his sitting position so that he was turned, facing me.

"We haven't really had the time to really sit down and talk about the current situation that we're in. I mean, it must be very hard for you. How can you be so calm and relaxed about the accident, the amnesia and having to live with me?" I looked deeply into his dense, forest green eyes, trying to search the depths of his soul for the answers. His mouth dropped into a frown, as he had that same calculating look on his face like the one he had on when he first came here. It was as if it was only now that he finally thought about his current circumstances.

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