Chapter 31: 'The wedding of the month'

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Alexis' eyes widened. "Hmmm. That's strange. But I guess your mood swings are due to you PMSing before your period or something. But then again, you've never experienced nausea and dizziness before."

The cashier decided to join in on the discussion on my menstrual cycle. "Or maybe you could just be pregnant." She suggested, nonchalantly.

An old lady in the queue forming behind us, who was engrossed in our conversation gasped, while the guy directly behind us expressed his congratulations. I blushed and hurriedly started collecting my shopping bags. "Pay the woman, Alexis." I demanded, desperation leaking into my voice as I closed my eyes, shutting out the scrutiny from our onlookers.

Then it hit me. Could I be pregnant?

As if I had enough drama in my life as it is...


Chapter 31: 'The wedding of the month'

The next day...

11:33 am

Victoria's POV

My eyes fluttered open, only to be met by Alexis' honey brown ones staring down at me. Her face centimetres above mine, as she examined me. I was lying on the floor, my head resting on a cushion, with Alexis knelt down beside me. I sat up and looked around me, momentarily confused. "What happened?" I groaned, rubbing the sore spot behind my head.

"You fainted about twenty minutes ago. But before you black out again, I forewarn you that you're about to receive...shocking news."

"Well, go on then." I urged, impatiently.

"Before you fainted, you took three pregnancy tests and they were all: positive." Positive? The eight letter word kept repeating in my mind like a broken record. It was all coming back to me like a tidal wave; I took the pregnancy tests and made Alexis tell me the results--once I heard 'positive, positive and positive,' it all went black. I never planned this! What was I going to do? Marcus was going to get married soon, and this would ruin his wedding. 

"Alexis, when is Marcus' wedding?" I asked, urgently.

"It was announced on the news this morning that the Marcus', A.K.A Trevor Braxton's, wedding is today.” I gasped. "Oh, and the news only gets better; his 'remarkable' story of his once in a life time experience of his car being hit by lightning whilst him driving it, getting hit by a car, falling into a coma for two weeks, being diagnosed with retrograde amnesia, living with the person who had hit him with a car for two months, spontaneously getting his memory back; then returning home to his family, in time for his wedding--has been published in numerous magazines and his story has been going viral on the internet." She informed, barely getting it out in one breath.

"It's a good thing he kept your name anonymous," she continued, "because people wouldn't hesitate to judge you and no doubt you would receive a mountain-full of hate mail; to make it worse, he's the son of the CEO of the third most successful software company in the UK!"

I face palmed myself, my blood pressure probably sky-rocketing right now. "If people find out that I'm pregnant then I'm done for. It would be the cause of a huge scandal that would only bring catastrophic consequences. Marcus' wedding is today, him being the father to my unborn child would not go unnoticed." I panicked.

Alexis gripped my shoulders, her eyes held nothing but seriousness. "Then you keep your mouth shut. You don't need this kind of drama."

"He deserves to know that he's going to be a father, Alexis." I countered.

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