Chapter 20: New neighbour

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"Promise me you won't hide things like this again, no secrets between us?" He asked, tilting my chin up so that I was looking him in the eyes.

"I promise Marcus. It won't happen again." He leaned in and planted a lingering kiss on my lips. He pulled away and smiled.

"Well I guess it's time to read that note then? I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu..." We both chuckled in unison.



I took the note Michael gave me out of the back pocket of the jeans I wore yesterday, then sat down on the bed next to Marcus. He rubbed my thigh reassuringly and I unfolded the note.

"Still waters run deep." I read out loud. "What on earth is this man talking about.?"

"That's all it says?" Marcus took the note out of my hand and read it over. "This guy really is crazy." He crumpled up the note and threw it in the mini bin across the room. Nice shot.

"I think there's more to it Marcus. Michael likes to play mind games but hes quite smart in his own evil and diabolical way."

Marcus shook his head. "Well I have no clue what he means."

"That idiom: still waters run deep, refers to large or channeled rivers that can be quiet and slow moving on the surface but move very fast and deep in the bottom of the river. People who are quiet but always thinking are said to look like nothings going on with them, but if you go in and deep down, a lot is going on." I explained. "Yet, I have no idea who or what this applies to. It's very hard to figure out what Michael's intentions are, with this note."

Marcus stood up. "That's because the guy is crazy. You can't understand people who are crazy because you'd have to be crazy yourself."

"Don't take this lightly Marcus, this could mean something very important." I warned.

"I will keep it in mind Victoria, but it doesn't make sense. Lets tell Alexis about it, she's the one person I know who might understand crazy, maybe she could add some input on it."

I rolled my eyes in return.


Late afternoon...

"How in the world do you expect me to know what that fool means? I still think we should tell the police about that sicko." Alexis suggested, with her ground breaking words of wisdom. (Note the sarcasm). We were all in her apartment, sitting on her sofa, discussing the cryptic note.

I rolled my eyes yet again. "We've already discussed this Alexis, the police won't be much of any help. We just got to be very careful and remain vigilant."

"Well, I think it's best to keep the identity hunting on hold and have regular sleep overs just to be safe. Knowing that this Michael guy is stalking you and approached you in the park, promising revenge, I think I'm gonna find it hard to sleep at night. Not to mention that he sent one of his henchmen to vandalise my apartment a fortnight ago."

I nodded my head solemnly. "For once Alexis, your actually not being over dramatic. This has gotten very serious now." I turned my head to Marcus. "I agree with Alexis. I think it's wise to put the whole quest to find your identity on hold for a while Marcus."

Surprisingly, relief crossed his face and he smiled back at me. "That's fine Victoria. I don't want to find out my identity anymore. I don't want to leave you. I will just wait until I get my memory back, and we'll see what happens then." I heard Alexis gasped in shock next to me.

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