Chapter 30: An empty kiss and a nosey cashier

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"You are not cooking savoury food for me again. Its best you stick to baking. I don't know what you put in that lasagne last night, but it made me throw up this morning. So, no cooking for you, Missy." I pointed the wooden spoon at her, and narrowed my eyes.

Alexis shot up from her position and pouted. "What? I actually followed the recipe to the nth degree! Darn it. But how come I wasn't sick? Are you sure your not lactose and tolerant of something?" She questioned.

I started to grate some cheese. "I'm in my early twenties Alexis, I think I would have known by now whether I was lactose and tolerant or not. I guess you have an iron gut or something. You'd eat a live chicken if you were hungry enough, and be fine the next day." I joked.

However, she didn't laugh at my joke like she normally would. She just studied me with a honey brown eyes and rubbed her 'invisible beard.' Just when I was about to worry, she just shrugged and made her way into the living room. How odd.



For the rest of dinner we discuss what I had missed out on for the last two months. It was nothing too exciting. Just the developments of the wedding; the reception, the food arrangements, decorations, invitations, brides maids and so on. Of course, I made my be brother my best man-I know that he won't let me down. We were going to get married in St Mary's Church, the same place my parents got married and my parent's parents and so one. It was simple, yet special. The more we had talked about it, the more real the wedding became to me. I'm going to be a husband in two weeks! But have I chose the right future wife? That's the life changing question I keep asking myself.

After dinner and heartfelt farewells were said (I know-my family are quite emotional, especially after thinking I was dead for two months), I returned home with Gabriella. We conversed in idle chit chat on the car ride home which consisted mostly on twitter and celebrities. I practically galloped to the bedroom, once I had brushed my teeth, in anticipation for much need slumber. Gabriella joined shortly and snuggled in to my chest. 

I really cared about her, I just wasn't sure if I was in love with her anymore. I felt so bad, knowing that she was blissfully unaware of my doubts. I was just about to close my eyes when she slowly started trailing kissing across my jaw. I froze. She pressed her lips to mine and I slowly responded to the kiss. The lust was there, but that warm feeling that should consume my being was nonexistent, nor were the familiar shocks that I felt with Victoria. Her hand traveled from my chest to my abdomen and kept on moving...and moving, until I pulled away from the kiss and stopped her hands from slithering any lower.

Confusion and frustration was evident on her features. "What? What's wrong? We have been apart for two months, you should be finding it hard to keep your hands off me."

I cupped her face. "Gabriella, I think we should...wait until our wedding night. I know we have already made love before but we're having an old fashioned wedding, so why not do things the old fashioned way? I'll carry you over the threshold and everything."

She stared at me with a passive expression for a few moments then chuckled in amusement. She kissed my cheek and rested her head on my chest. "Alright dear. I guess it will make our wedding that even more special."

I let out a breath of relief. I just wasn't ready to be that intimate with her. And the sad thing was, that I should. I was her fiance for peaks sakes. Hopefully, by the time we tie the knock in two weeks, our relationship will be some what back to normal.

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