Chapter 10: The break in

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"Victoria I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I-" The sudden pounding of the front door interrupted my apology. Me and Victoria looked at each other with fear of the unknown, and caution.


Marcus'/Trevor's POV:

The pounding became louder and more consistent. What was frightening was that we didn't know if the pounding was out of desperation or anger. Who ever it was, patience was not in their vocabulary.

"Stay here, I'll get it." I whispered to Victoria.

"No, I will get it. This is my apartment, so whoever knocks on the door, answers to me," she angrily whispered back. I sighed in frustration.

"Come on then." We didn't have time to argue about this all day so I took her hand and led her to the door. "OK, we'll do it together then," I compromised. I certainly couldn't let her answer the door alone, it could be that crazy ex boyfriend of hers.

As we got to the door, I looked through the key hole, and to my surprise, it was a petrified looking Alexis on the other side. I looked back at Victoria. "It's Alexis," I informed, my voice cased with confusion. Victoria immediately opened the door, and Alexis stumbled in, slamming the door behind her, and pressing her back against it. She slowly slid down onto the floor, breathing heavily and putting a trembling hand to her chest.

"Alexis what-" Victoria began.

"Took you guys long enough!! If I was being pursued by a mass murderer, I would've died by now." Alexis angrily cut her off.

"Well at least I wasn't busy lip locking with Marcus, while you were in danger." Victoria retorted, bitterly. I put my hand on Victoria's shoulder.

"Now is not the time Victoria. Alexis, what happened and why are you so petrified?" I calmly questioned, reluctantly removing my hand from Victoria's shoulder.

Alexis seemed as if she'd finally caught her breath and lightly fanned herself with her hand. She shakily got up off the floor with my assistance-- I took her hand in mine and pulled her up. Once she was stood up, I made sure she was steady, as she still was a little shaken up. Victoria frowned at this, which made me remove my hand from Alexis' arm. I hope she doesn't think that I have feelings for Alexis.

"I-I was coming home from work and when I reached my apartment door, I realised that the lock was broken. I heard some smashing and breaking from inside, so I immediately came here, in fear of my life. Only now do I realise that it wasn't really wise as you live about 2 metres away from me. I'm surprised that the burglar didn't come to shut me up as I was banging on your door for AGES!" She explained. Victoria and I just looked at her in pure shock, trying to process the information. Could the burglar possibly be Michael Gory? But then why would he break into Alexis' apartment? Is he still in Alexis' flat? My mind was wheeling with a dozen questions that wanted to be answered. Before either of us could say anything, we heard loud footsteps. They got closer and closer to the door and suddenly stopped. My heart was beating rapidly and Victoria subconsciously edged closer to me, while Alexis hid behind us. We all looked helplessly at the door, waiting for the persons next move. After about five agonising seconds, the person on the other side of the door started running, the sound of their footsteps gradually disappearing down the stairs.

"Well that was strange." Victoria said.

"I think we should get the police involved now." I suggested.

"We don't even know if it's Michael or not." Victoria replied.

"Uh...Who the hell is Michael? Do you guys want to fill me in here? Am I missing something?" Alexis questioned, half annoyed and half hurt that she wasn't informed about the situation involving Victoria's ex.

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