Chapter 21: Dinner Date Part 1

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"M-my name's Zoe...Zoe Gage." That name sounds awfully familiar...


In fact...she looks vaguely familiar, but I don't know where I've seen her before. "Have I met you before?" I asked.

Zoe's hazel eyes reluctantly focused on me and it took her a while to respond. "No. We haven't met before. Well...It was nice meeting you lot. Thank you for the neighbourly welcome but I have something on the stove so-"

"Don't forget the brownies I made you!" Alexis shoved the container of brownies into Zoe's hands and smiled from ear to ear. Zoe looked a little taken aback and lightly shut the door, after waving her hand shyly and saying 'bye.'

Alexis turned to Marcus and I, and placed her hands on her hips. "I told you she was quite timid. Maybe we could bring her out of her shell." She suggested.

I scratch my imaginary beard. "There's something about that woman...but I can't quite put my finger on it." I voiced.

"You worry too much Victoria. She's just a little shy."

Marcus shrugged. "I think she's okay." He inputted.



I climbed onto my bed and joined Marcus under the covers. We both turned on our sides, facing each other and I started playing with each strand of his dishiveled hair.


"Hmm?" I kept my eyes fixed on his soft caramel locks.

"It doesn't feel right; living in your home, eating your food and doing nothing all day. I want to get a job. Earn my keep. I don't want to live off of you anymore, you've been too kind."

I stopped playing with his hair and met his gaze with mine. "You should know by now that what's mine is yours but if you want a job, then who am I to stop you babe? The problem is, you would need a cv (or resume). We don't know anything about you. Your qualifications, work experience, hobbies, or references. However, I could pull a few strings...I might know some people who could hire you no questions asked, if I put in a good word in for you."

Marcus' face lit up. "Really! That's great." Then he frowned. "But I wanted this on my own. You've been helping me so much, and I wanted to help myself. I feel bad always needing your assistance in things."

"I understand Marcus. But there's no other way." We were silent for a while then an idea popped in my head! "Alexis works in security! Her job is to sit in one of those security rooms and watch the surveillance cameras. It was her dad that hooked her up with the job. In fact, her whole family works in security. She could hook you up. I know you wouldn't be getting the job on your own, but it's the only other option."

"Yeah, that sounds cool. You've done way too much for me Victoria and I appreciate it, however, I won't feel as bad if it was Alexis who is the one to help me get a job." He caressed the side of my face and smiled.

"I know Marcus." I rested my head on his warm chest and he wraped his arm around my waist. "Good night."

"Night." He kissed the top of my head and I closed my eyes, sighing in contentment.


Two weeks later...


Alexis made a very convincing cover story in order to convince her dad to hire Marcus as a surveillance analyst, his primary role is in surveillance and monitoring. He was interviewed, went through training and is now on trial period to see if he's cut out for the job. Marcus now works the morning shift in the science museum in Redington. The good thing is; it's only 2 miles away, which is very convenient. As for our new neighbour...I hardly ever see Zoe, she seems to keep to herself a lot, and hardly ever leaves her apartment. There's something shady about that girl...

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

I wonder who that is. I stood up from the sofa and walked to the door. Then looked through the keyhole to find that it was a very excited Alexis on the other side. I rolled my eyes--It's like she on a permanent adult sugar rush. I opened the door and moved out of the way to give her space to come in. Alexis bounced into my apartment then closed the door behind her. She grabbed my hand and led me to my bedroom. "Alexis, what are you doing?" I asked, confusedly. She sat me down on my bed and opened my wardrobe.

"We need you to look sexy yet classy tonight." Alexis finally said.

"Why?" I questioned warily.

She turned her head to look at me. "Because you have a hot date tonight." She examined a sparkly blue dress that she unhooked from it's hanger.

"With who?"

Alexis turned around and gave me that are-you-really-that-stupid look. "With Marcus of course. He's your boyfriend isn't he? And it's my job to get you all sexified for your dinner date with him." She turned back around and carried on searching for the perfect attire. "Have a shower. By time your done, I'll have everything sorted." She ordered, her back still facing me.

"Yes Mum." I replied, whilst walking to the bathroom. I didn't need to see her face to know that she was rolling her honey brown eyes.


After a refreshing shower, and Alexis turning my bedroom into a clothing landfill site, I was dressed and ready to go. She used a medium-sized iron to curl varying widths of my hair and undone it slightly with her fingers. For my make-up she used eyeliner to lengthen my eyes by drawing the eyeliner just outside my eye, to create that 'kitten eyes' effect. She applied lip-plumper in a red hue to give me that pouty look. My eyebrows, well defined and shaped. Alexis chose a classy red dress with a v shaped bust, the beautiful material hugging my curves in all the right places, and matching red heels.

"You look so good, if I was a guy, I'd definatelty do you." Alexis squealed from behind me. Both of us looking at my reflection in my wardrobe mirror.

"That's good to know." I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

Alexis drove me to a restaurant, that she refused to tell me the name of. Which is surprising, because she usually gets so excited that it's almost impossible to keep a secret to herself. I scowled the whole journey there. Once we had arrived, I gasped when I saw the restaurant. It was Etiquettes. My favourite restaurant ever! Alexis opened the car door for me.

"Me lady." She greeted in a terrible English accent as she bowed. I climbed out of the car and Alexis got back into the drivers seat and rolled down the window. "This is as far as I can go."

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked poking my head through the car window.

"Well, if you look at the entrance of the restaurant, you'll see your devilishly handsome boyfriend waiting to have a romantic dinner with you. Now get your fine ass over there." She replied. I was just about to turn around when she placed her hand over mine. "Oh. And I recommend you skip dessert and make up for it later." She added, wagging her well plucked eyebrows. At that, she sped off down the street. I barely pulled my head out of her car in time.

I turned around and my heart collapsed at the sight of the man I saw waiting outside of Etiquettes.



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