Part 5

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Next Morning

Arshi was having their breakfast in Dhaba , and Arnav didn't mind it. The old couple was really nice to them though they didn't interact in night as it was already late but in morning from the time they have woke up and came out of their room they were really nice to them.

Khushi got completely engrossed in talks with the old couple while having her morning tea and have made sugar free tea for him also as the old couple was having sugar substitute because doctor have described due to their growing age. Khushi didn't took time to get friendly with them because of her beautiful nature where he only answered few of the questions asked with some nodding and shaking of his head and than Khushi got the old couple under her charms and started making jalebi's in their Dhaba much to his shock but his crazy wife can do anything who knew better than him.

After lot of pestering she has stopped and now having breakfast talking so much in between, shaking his head again on her childishness he got up finish with his breakfast and thanked the couple for helping them. Thanking? If it would have been old ASR, he must have threw some money in their face for their help but just because of his Khushi, here he's thankful to someone and saying it aloud because he knew they helped them just like their children and he don't want to hurt their feelings!

Arnav thanked them and asked for the bill when the couple wanted to deny he tackled them in his business language not hurting their feelings a bit infact making them smile and give blessings and he paid the bill with getting some food packed also. Bidding bye to the couple Arnav and Khushi left the Dhaba.


Khushi: Arnav ji where are we going? Khushi asked realising that Arnav is not driving back to home.
Arnav: surprise!
Khushi: But we should go home now, what will everyone say?
Arnav: Nothing! You're with your husband not with some stranger.
Khushi: I know but why?
Arnav: Because I want to spend whole day with my wife. I have already taken off from office and we'll go back ti home in evening.
Khushi: Laad Governer is trying to being romantic? Khushi asked mischievously.

Arnav: He is already romantic but you are always busy at home therefore "I am stealing you for today from everyone. " and winked at her.

Khushi looked at him with open mouth and than both starts to laugh.

Khushi looked around with a serene smile on her face, Arnav has drove them to his mother's garden and right now both of them spending some time here talking about don't know how many things. Actually most of the time it was Khushi who was talking and Arnav was hearing her with his full attention rather than being irritated, Khushi thought with a smile.

Arnav: Khushi?
Khushi: Ji (yes)?
Arnav: Where are you lost?
Khushi: Nothing! I was just thinking how good it is feeling to be here.
Arnav: Yeah..
Arnav: Ok now stop thinking too much and let's have lunch.
Khushi: Ok let's go.
Arnav: where?
Khushi: Home. How'll we have lunch than?

Smirking at Khushi, Arnav moves away from there and comes back with few boxes.
Arnav: Here's our lunch.
Khushi opens her mouth in "O" shape, completely surprised.
Khushi: But how?
Arnav: when you was busy in having your breakfast , I asked them to pack lunch also.
Khushi(smiling widely): I Love You.. And kissed on his cheek.
Arnav: Really if by getting you this food , I am going to hear those three words with this kiss without pestering you, I should get them regularly. Khushi blushed and started arranging food for them.

After having their lunch , they rested for sometime and later Arnav took Khushi with him to some good malls and they both shopped something for all family.
  Arnav also selected few dressss for Khushi like Sarees, Chuddidars and night wears etc without giving ear to a denying Khushi. Khushi got changed with one of those Sarees , and than Arnav selected some jewelleries for her.


On the other side at AR

It was evening and everyone was ready to leave for home except an annoyed Sheetal who was very much angry when Arnav didn't came to office and even neglected her calls when she tried to call him. She knew Arnav and Khushi have still not returned home, she have called there and Abhi have told her.

Sheetal: That behanji!! What does she have that ASR is so much mad about her.

Sheetal: And ASR you even neglected my calls, you didn't do it right, she said with gritted teeth and looked up when someone knocked at the door abd she realised it's time to leave for home.

Sheetal: Enjoy Khushi as much as you want with ASR tOday but Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll play my card and that smile of yous will be snatched, she spoke with an evil smile and left for home.


Here Arnav and Khushi was completely lost in their own world.
After shopping, they both had dinner and watched a late night  movie  of Khushi's choice much to Khushi's happiness.

It was 1 am in night when they both reached at RM and Arnav entered inside carrying Khushi in his arms, laughing and discussing about movie. Arnav straightly took stairs and walked upto their and failed ti notice a pair of burning eyes watching them with anger and envy.

Sheetal was down waiting for Arnav and Khushi like last night night when she heard the voice if Arnav's car and hide behind the piller. She looked with utmost anger when Arnav walked with Khushi in his arms.

Her plans are getting failed because of Arnav being beside Khushi's all the time but tomorrow! Tomorrow she'll play very carefully.

Sheetal: Have a good sleep tonight Khushi because tomorrow you'll not be able to sleep and that's my promise, she gave a evil smirk and moved to her room to sleep.

To be continued.........

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