Part 50

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Akash and NK nodded back at him and soon they started to make the plan they'll need to catch them red handed. Aman joined them and told about the detective who is following Sheetal and how he didn't find anything fishy till now but they know they can't take a sigh of relief before sending her far away from their lives, before sending that murderer far away from their family.


Arnav was working in his office when he receives call on his office' intercom from his receptionist.

"Sir, your sister, Ms. Anjali Raizada is here to meet you. She is saying it's urgent."

Arnav frowns and looked at his personal phone to find any missed call or message from home but find nothing. He was going to tell her to send Anjali back as he is busy but stopped in time. She won't come here without any reason and neither he want his staff to gossip about his family's problems.

"Send her to my cabin." Arnav replies and hangs up before leaning back on his chair with closed eyes. His eyes opened hearing the sound of door and he looks up to see a crying Anjali entering inside his cabin. She was wiping her tears again and again, her appearance completely messed up and her eyes filled with fear.

"Chotte." Anjali tries to speak but struggles to continue. He instantly gets up from his chair and walks towards her "Di, what happened?" He asks with concerned voice. Someone said it right, blood is thicker than any relation. However much we fight or hurt our loved ones but just the thought of someone else' doing it makes us angry.

Anjali cried as she threw herself in his arms, holding him tightly. Arnav was going to encircle his arms around her but before his hands can touch her back, he stopped. The present reality of their relation resurfaced in his mind and he brings back his hands to his sides, his fingers curled to control himself. He closed his eyes to control his emotions before he regrets and when he opened them back again, they were emotionless, the ASR's mask was back. He pulls her back carefully and makes some distance "What are you doing here, Ms. Raizada?"

Anjali looks at him with hurt, just a few moments ago he called her Di after all these years. She forgot every fear for a moment when she engulfed him in her arms but cold water of reality is again slapped on her face. She gulps and wiping her tears, she thinks about the reason why she is here and looks down. "I need to talk to you. No, I need to tell you something. I... umm... Sheetal..." She was interrupted by Arnav who looked at her angrily "If you're here to talk about that woman then you may leave."

Anjali looks at his angry eyes and shivers but she can't step back now, she knew she have done enough mistakes in her life and her most loving brother turning against her is the biggest proof of that but she can't let anything wrong happen to their family now. She can't let anyone spoil his happiness now, so she looks back at him and before he can dismiss her again she started speaking for which she was here. Arnav's fingers curled into a fist hearing whatever she tell him and he turns his back to her, least he lash out on her.


Next Day

Arnav was waiting for Khushi and children downstairs, he had promised them to take them to new animated movie they want to and then amusement park. He looks at Akash and NK as they exchanged looks with each other, today many things will be changed. He gulps nervously, NK and Akash aren't going with them as they need to work according to the plan.

SS: With you...... "Hamesha" ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now