Part 27 (Decisions)

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Arnav smiled, “Of course I should have been prepared for this. Why do you always do that? You know I can’t leave you alone I have promised mother still you are asking me to choose between Khushi and you?” Anjali looked away holding Abhi’s hand.

Arnav turned to Khushi who was looking shocked and broken “Come! Let’s pack your bags” and holding her hand started walking upstairs with long strides. Sheetal and Anjali smiled looking at each other whereas NK, Payal and Akash looked at them with disgust.

NK: Di! You’re not doing it right. You know how much Khushi ji and Nannav love each other still you’re demanding something so absurd?
Anjali: I am not his enemy Nk bhai (brother). Right now he is only thinking about Khushi ji but in future he’ll regret his decision when he’ll realize how because of him his son is living a fatherless life. So whatever I am doing is for his benefit only.

NK: If you’re thinking about Abhi and Nannav then don’t you think it would have been better if this matter was handled in mature way with Nannav, Khushi ji and Sheetal ji talking and deciding what should be done rather then asking Nannav and Khushi ji to separate their ways?

Anjali: When Chotte have already clearly denied Sheetal ji to accept Abhi, I can’t expect him to take right decision now especially by Khushi his side.

Akash: Wow Di, what a decision but like Khushi ji said we know Bhai isn’t someone who backs away from his responsibilities. Therefore you believe it or not even I’ll support bhai(bro) in his decisions and if Bhai is saying that Abhi isn’t his son then he is not.

NK: I agree with you Akash.
Anjali: So I am wrong? These reports are wrong? Why would Sheetal ji lie?
Payal: “That is only known by her” she said looking at Sheetal in disgust who flinched under her gaze. “But I am telling you one thing the way you made my sister cry today and hurt her, from this moment even I forgot who you are, you lost all the respect I had for you. So it would be better for you and my so called mother-in-law that you don’t expect any good from me from now on.
Manorma: HHBB! How dare you speak like that with me? Have you forgot who I am?

Payal: No! But I want to forget who you are so I can teach you a lesson for hurting my sister. I have tolerated every insult, ever abusive word of yours till now because I didn’t wanted to create unnecessary drama but now I wouldn’t do it anymore after the way my sister’s feelings have been played today like a toy just because suddenly you think someone else is more good for your family."

“Leave it Payal! Don’t bang your head on the walls.”

All turned to look at Arnav who was walking downstairs with Khushi and Hari Prakash and Om Praksh following them with bags. Arnav stopped exacly in front of Payal and Akash and smiled at them before speaking “ Thank you for trusting and supporting me Akash and Payal I am glad finally you started speaking for yourself” then he turned to look at Anjali.

Arnav: “You gave me a choice and I have decided what I want.”
Anjali: “I knew Chotte you’ll never choose anyone over your Di”she stepped forward to cup his face when he stepped back.
Arnav: “You’re right but I don’t have any option to choose my Di but to choose between my wife and the women who is hell bent to destroy my life and happiness in her blindness” Anjali looked at him stunned as he continued “My Di knew me better then anyone but you didn’t so Mrs. Anjali Jha you yourself made it easy for me to take this decision “ I, Arnav Singh Raizada is leaving this house with my wife.”

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