Part 14

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Next Day at AR

“I want Khushi to continue her studies, she has so much talent hidden inside her. I want her to explore her talent and complete her dreams which she once dreamt. She had to left her studies incomplete because of family problems but now she is my wife and I want to fulfil every dream of hers. I don’t want her to feel low about something in which she has no mistake. She wanted to study, so now she’ll! “ Arnav spoke on the phone as he continued to look at his employees working from his glass cabin.

Caller: "You should get her admission in a good college then."

Arnav: "I know! And I am looking into it. In fact, I have selected few good colleges also but there’s some time for new sessions to start. But before that I want her to get comfortable for that environment. Khushi is not some student who is joining college, she has left her studies after second year of her college, her English is in a mess because she have studied through hindi and I don’t Khushi to feel embarrassed when she joins college.

Her confidence will be destroyed even before she can start with her studies. She is already nervous. So I need your help to train her for the environment we live in. I can ask Di but she stays busy in some other work these days (he said thinking about Abhi) and I don’t want anyone from the family to know about this for the time being."  Arnav finished explaining and smiled hearing what person on the other side said.

Caller: "I can’t believe I am taking with the ASR I know!"

Arnav(smiling): "She has changed me, she has changed everything. She had successfully pulled out the Arnav behind the ASR, which I thought has been dead long ago. I can’t even repay her for the sacrifices she has made for me and my family but I’ll never leave her alone again and I’ll do everything in my power to keep her happy."

 Arnav: "I can't trust on anyone for this, therefore I need your help. You have been a great friend and today I really need this friend for me and Khushi."


Arnav returned home happily. He had talked with the right person Khushi needs and he can't wait for them to meet.

Arnav: "Khushi I have talked with your tutor today."

Khushi: "What?!"

Arnav: "Excuse me!"

Khushi: "I mean isn't it too early?" She said nervously.

Arnav: "You're not joining college tomorrow, it's just your training."

Khushi: "I know but..."

Arnav: "Khushi when you've decided why are you feeling so nervous? Everything will be alright. Trust me!"

Khushi: "I trust you Arnav ji! I just don't trust myself."

Arnav:" Everything will be alright, I know my Khushi and I also have a surprise for you tomorrow."

Khushi(happily): "Really? What is it?"

Arnav: "It's a surprise Sanka Devi, you'll know it, tomorrow.

Khushi pouted and Arnav smiling drag her downstairs for dinner. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.

Next Day

Arnav stops his car in front of q building and walked inside with a confused Khushi by his side.

Khushi: "Arnav ji you were going to give me surprise then why are we here now?"

Arnav: "For that surprise."

Khushi: "Here? Arnav nodded and entered in lift."


Khushi: "Where are we?" Khushi asked looking at the beautiful interiors around her.

Arnav: "This is our penthouse, I have bought this some time ago and now this place will be useful." Khushi looked at him confused.

Arnav: "You're going to get your training here."

Khushi looked at him with wide eyes.

Khushi: "What? So this was the surprise?"

Arnav: "Yeah"

Khushi: "This place is really beautiful, I thought you're going to send me to some strict teacher with big spectacles to train me." she pouted.

Arnav: "Nice Idea but unfortunately your both guess were wrong. You're going to get your training here and how much I know your teacher is also not that strict with big spectacles," he chuckled.

Khushi:" Then Ok!"

Arnav: "wouldn't you want to meet your tutor?"

Khushi: "Now??"

Arnav: "yeah!"

Khushi: "Ok!"

Arnav: "Good! So get ready for your next surprise" and he closed her eyes with his palms coming behind her.

Khushi: "Arnav ji what are you doing?"

Arnav: "Easy Khushi! You're going to love this surprise."

Khushi: "Laad Governer!"

Arnav: "Here comes your surprise!"

 And with that, he removed his palms from her eyes. Khushi looked in front of her stunned before squealing.

Khushi: "You??!"

To be continued......... 

Proofread by ShaniceKazmi

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