Part 51 (B)

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"When Daksh Mehta returned back from his trip, he didn't inform it to Sheetal as he wanted to surprise her and tell her that now everything will be good like before, he found his dear wife with another man on his bed." Everyone gasped in horror as Anjali's, Nani's and Mami's hand covered their own mouth in surprise. "And that man was none other than Ronit here." Arnav speaks while keeping his hand on Ronit's shoulder who gulped and squirmed in his seat.


"What nonsense!!" Sheetal screams while standing up but Arnav just smirked "Nonsense? That's the truth my dear friend." He speaks sarcastically but suddenly his expression changes and he looks towards Abhi "Abhi, I am really sorry that you have to hear all this but I am sure you're now mature enough to take everything bravely and also you have all the rights to know about your real father." Abhi nodded slowly, feeling completely lost and clueless.

Khushi walks near him and holds his hand, giving him the support he must be yearning for but won't say. Arnav again turns his head to look at Sheetal with pure hatred and abhorrence "Daksh confronted her and decided to divorce her and get Abhi's custody. Sheetal saw everything slipping away from her hands, she pleaded, cried but when Daksh stayed firm on his decision, she....." He again looks at Abhi, his eyes filled with pain and sympathy "Sheetal pushed him from behind and he fell from the stairs."

Arnav looks at his family as he revealed everything, every eyes were wet and Abhi, he was looking at Sheetal in horror. "Fortunately, Daksh was alive but Sheetal again tried to kill him in hospital with the help of Rohit. After taking however much she could, she ran away from there with Abhi. That money and jewelries helped her for few years but she knew it won't long last when she found out about me. Now I wasn't the common boy she met and faked relationship during college but a millionaire 'ASR' For a whole year she starting keeping tabs on me, analyzed me and trained Abhi accordingly, feeding him nonsense how she is making him like his father and he'll accept them if he behaves like she is telling him."

Arnav sighed as he completed almost everything "After that what happened we all know. She tried to make Khushi feel low according to Raizada's status, she started targeting Anjali Raizada, knowing she is a soft target and how much ASR loves his sister. She realized that I can do anything for his sister but she failed to realized that now I have someone else in my life who means world to me. She failed to understand that I won't leave Khushi's side for the relations who didn't think once before betraying me, failing me."

Anjali cried falling on her knees but Arnav ignored that and looked at Sheetal "She was planning to runaway when Raizada's lost AR and Shantivan but looking at Khushi and I, she changed her plan but when nothing gave her the desired results, she planned the kidnap of my daughter. So she can demand a big amount of money and run away. She contacted Rohit for the same but unaware that her every activity is getting tabbed. We found Rohit and after lots of pressure and scaring him, he finally spilled everything to NK. Then I got to know that she is planning my daughter's kidnapping and we got the perfect opportunity to catch her red handed. We told Rohit to do as Sheetal says but within the group of goons who were meant to kidnap Anya, we installed few of our bodyguards to keep her safe."

Khushi looks at him in shock "Why didn't you tell me all this?" Arnav looks down in regret "Because I didn't want to scare you by telling that we are living with a murderer and the danger we are in." Khushi looks away, not speaking anything for the moment "I just want my daughter. Call whoever those bodyguards are and bring me Anya." Arnav nodded and looked at Sheetal "Call your men and tell them to bring my daughter here."

Sheetal looked at him frustrated "when you know everything, when you have your men with your daughter then why don't you do it yourself?" Arnav smirks "Yes, I know where she is but I don't want my daughter to see the bloodshed my men have to do with those goons of yours. So just call them otherwise police is anyways waiting for my one signal to arrest you."

Sheetal's eyes widened and she instantly calls her men to bring Anya here and leave her on the gates of Raizada Mansion. As soon as she hangs up, Arnav snatches the phone from her hand and signals Akash who walks away before coming back with commissioner and other police officers. "You said if I'll tell them to bring your daughter here then you won't.." Arnav interrupts Sheetal with a chuckle "That was not a option Sheetal. It was an order and about calling those goons, that was the last proof ii needed to throw you behind the bars for forever."

Arnav gives her phone to police commissioner "Now by calling those goons, you yourself proved that you were behind this kidnapping. As you were contacting them with different sim cards and throwing them, I needed a proper proof with your own confession." Sheetal looked at him shocked and tried to run but police circled around her and handcuffed her along with Rohit.

"What about my son? Where will he go? What will happen to him?" Sheetal screamed but Arnav interrupted her again "You don't need to worry about that. His father is there to take care of him, his real father." Everyone looked at Arnav with wide eyes along with Sheetal and Abhi himself. Looking at everyone's questioning gaze Arnav answered "When Sheetal ran away leaving him struggling for life in hospital instead of dying, he slipped into coma. Some of his relatives kept him alive through life support for 5 years and when after losing hope doctors were on the verge of removing life support system, he woke up from that long sleep. After that though he was awake but paralyzed, not wanting to burden his relatives he started working with them and discreetly searched for Sheetal. His treatment was going on and around 2 years ago he was able to walk on his own and his new business also started getting success with the help of his cousin. After which he started looking for his son again with everything in his power and that's how we came to know  about about him."

Abhi looks at him with teary eyes and after being silent throughout the drama, he finally walks towards Arnav "My father is alive?" Arnav nodded with a small smile. "He is looking for me?" Arnav again nodded with a hand on his cheek "Yes and right now, he is here only." If possible, all eyes turned more wide and at the same time NK descends the stairs with a man who was throwing daggers at Sheetal but his eyes softened as soon as they landed on Abhi.

To be continued...................


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