Part 20

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Lavanya: That's all Khushi! You are doing great.
Khushi: Really?
Lavanya: yea!
Khushi: Thank you Lavanya ji, this all was possible because of you.
Lavanya: Arghhh I am done with you chamkili. You wouldn't listen to me ever, will you?
Khushi: What have I done now?
Lavanya: Dare you call me Lavanya ji again! I am your friend chamkili, not your aunt. Either you're going to call me Lavanya like ASR does or only La. Decide yourself or if you again called me lavanya ji, I wouldn't talk to you.

Khushi: "ok ok! Sorry baba..... ummmm .... I'll call you La then." She winked at her and both laughed freely when Arnav entered there.

Arnav: What's up?
Lavanya: Nothing ASR, something between us friends.
Arnav: ok!
Khushi: "Let me bring coffee for you!" Arnav nodded and Khushi left.
Lavanya: umm ASR I wanted to talk with you.
Arnav: yea tell! Everything alright? Or it's about Khushi?
Lavanya: "Relax! Don't need to worry too much but yea it's partially about Khushi and .... After a pause... Sheetal."
Arnav looked at her first confused but then nodded with a knowing look.

It's been a while they have returned back to Raizada Mansion and now having dinner with family. Everyone is chatting and having their dinner normally but Arnav can see Anjali and Mami taking extra care of Sheetal and Abhi whereas Mami making faces looking at Payal and Khushi. He sighed, this has to end now.

Arnav: Sheetal! What is happening about your accommodation? You said now you'll get flat after 1 month but's already been around 3 months?

Everyone looked at Arnav surprised and shocked as he suddenly started speaking about Sheetal's accommodation. Sheetal looked at him stumped and then tried to cover her shock with fake smile and looked at everyone. She was going to reply after making a quick excuse but Anjali intervened before her.

Anjali: Chotte! Why are you asking like that? We have discussed this earlier and it was decided that Sheetal and Abhi will stay here with us.
Arnav: Why not Di? She's our guest, though we don't have any problem with her staying here but she must be feeling embarrassed. That time we forced her to stay here with us because she was new in Delhi and didn't know anyone here but it's been long. Think about her Di! Just think if you go somewhere as guest and they force you to stay there, till how many days you'll feel comfortable in some other's house?

Anjali: but chotte....

Arnav: I know Di what you want to say but don't worry I'll handle everything. Therefore I asked from her if she have looked for some place so I should check how it is or I should look myself.

Sheetal: ASR is right Anjali ji. In fact I was myself thinking how to talk about this with you, I didn't want you to feel bad when you're giving so much love to me and my son.

Arnav: Trust me Sheetal, We wouldn't feel bad. We understand it must be getting awkward for you. And also if anyone of us wants to meet we can meet anytime, we'll be in same city afterall. Right Nani?

Nani: "I agree with you Chotte!" She said smiling and Anjali also nodded half heartedly.

Sheetal: Ok then let me call the broker if he can show me some accommodations otherwise I'll tell you ASR.

Arnav: Fine with me!

Khushi looked at everyone and listen to everything silently. She just smiled at Arnav when he turned towards her and again started having her dinner.

SS: With you...... "Hamesha" ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now