Part 48

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Payal also looked at Ansh in surprise when her eyes fell on her sister and Arnav, standing on door looking at everything with open mouth. Coming out of surprise Arnav also chuckles before walking towards his son and Khushi still looked at them with stunned expressions.

"Hey Devi Maiyya, My son is completely turning into another version of Laad Governor." Khushi exclaimed making others smile and Sheetal started with cleaning again, cursing inwardly.


One by one, the talented models of AR walked on the ramp, displaying the exclusive collection of AR Designs and the audience continued to look forward in awe. Arnav and Khushi was sitting in front row of VIP section along with family, Akash and Arnav were often busy in discussing. Soon the hands behind those designs called upon on stage and Arnav gives his hand to Khushi as they both walked on the stage, confidently. Already surprised by Khushi's change of dressing and styling, Raizada's along with a jealous Sheetal looked with surprise as Khushi walked in Indo-western dress confidently with Arnav who was looking dapper in his black three piece suit..

Arnav and Khushi have worked together to complete this project in limited time given

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Arnav and Khushi have worked together to complete this project in limited time given. They have worked really hard for this show as this is first step to bring AR again to it's lost glory. They were given mikes to talk about the project and they answered everything with a constant smile when suddenly conversation turned into completely different topic.

"Mr. Raizada, it was head that you have parted your way from your family and left AR. Then what's the reason of this sudden comeback." One of the reporter asked.

Arnav looked at his family sitting there except Nani, yes they are present here. Arnav already have the idea that question about his sudden disappearance 7 years ago will be asked therefore he asked Akash to bring them here, not wanting to give any reasons to media for splashing mud on his family's name. "Who gave you that information? I never parted from my family. I just thought to give a chance to my siblings to work without my shadow but unfortunately few decisions of my sister led us to AR's destruction."

Anjali looked down knowing very well he is not talking about only AR but Arnav continued "I had full confidence in my brother Akash but due to holding maximum shares the power of decision making was in hands of Miss. Anjali Raizada, who took a bad decision to leave everything on Sheetal Mehra's shoulders and she ruined everything because of wrong decisions and choice of work."

Sheetal looked down embarrassed as he insulted her openly in front of media and audience present, she clutched the hem of her dress to control her frustration. "According to the rumors Sheetal Mehra is your ex-girlfriend and you have a child together, is that true?" Arnav fisted his fingers looking at Sheetal angrily knowing very well that she is behind these rumors.

He gives a fake smile to media before replying "No, Sheetal Mehra was just my classmate in college and a good friend. 7 years ago she walked in my office looking for job and my sister and her soon turned into good friends. About having a child with her, that completely wrong information. I do have two children but with my beautiful wife, Khushi." He said looking at Khushi with a loving smile and pulling her closer from waist. "Now no more questions, please. Thank you for coming."

Arnav and Khushi walked down from the stage towards the stage and headed towards the place where a get together between important business associates has been arranged. Akash and Payal followed them with Mama ji.

Sheetal and Anjali was sitting on a table arranged for them in a corner, Anjali was looking down all the time thinking about the Arnav's words and how much disgust his voice have whenever he talks about her or to her. Sheetal looked at her in frustration, this limp woman is no more of any use for her. She looked at Arnav and Khushi who was talking and laughing with some business associates, discussing about their next projects and smirked.

She thinks about her conversation of a few days ago with the man who is going to help her in implementing her next plan. Arnav and Khushi won't even know that what hit them. Soon she will take revenge of her every insult and the way they are treating her.


After Few Days

Arnav signed him to sit in chair opposite his "We almost had all the proofs against Sheetal and information about Abhi's real father but the detective we hired recently to dig more into everything have just passed on some information which will shock you." Arnav looked at him questioningly and Aman showed him the file, he was carrying in his hands. He opened the file to go through all the information but with every page his eyes turned wide before he kept that on table and slumped back on his chair.

He knew Sheetal is very cunning and smart but she could be this dangerous he didn't have idea. Faces of his smiling family flashed in front of his eyes and he sighed. After looking at all the information he can't wait anymore, Sheetal Mehra have to leave his house and vanish from the lives of his family forever.

"That's it! I can't wait anymore. You talk with commissioner and we are throwing her behind the bars as soon as possible but we have to be careful. She shouldn't get even slightest idea of what's coming on her way. We have to send her in her right place and along with that, I need to keep my family safe from any type of danger." Arnav told him everything, he needs to do and Aman nodded before leaving his cabin to start working on the instructions.

After Aman left his cabin, Arnav thought to inform Khushi about the new information and dialed her number but something made him drop that idea. Khushi will get panicked and take tension, therefore when Khushi received his called he talked about anything but the information provided by Aman. After teasing her and asking her to come in his cabin to have lunch together, he hangs up. After thinking for a moment he calls Akash asking him to come into his cabin, immediately.

To be continued.......................

Precap: No Precap ;)

Enjoy the last few updates.

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