Part 17 (B)

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Arnav and Khushi reached at the apartment to see Lavanya already ready to go for shopping. Arnav shakes her head, Girls! And their Love for shopping, he looked at Khushi who was also smiling at Lavanya’s excitement.  He dropped them to Mall and all the way to the mall he got no attention as Khushi and Lavanya were busy in chatting as king occasionally to him “Haina Arnav ji?”  “Right ASR?” for which he can only nod.

Arnav: Here are my credit cards and don’t stop Lavanya to buy anything for you -she wants. Like I said earlier also you can buy what you like but you wouldn’t stop her. I have already told her what type of dresses and jewellery she needs to buy. 

Khushi nodded like an obedient child taking credit cards from him. 

Khushi: You also join us na please.

Arnav: I wish I could but Khushi  I’ve an important meeting. I’ll send my driver to pick you up, you guys come to AR once you’re done. 

Khushi: Ok!

Arnav: Take care!

After leaving a soft kiss on her forehead he left from there.

Khushi and Lavanya were busy in shopping,  Lavanya was selecting a different type of designer suits and sarees and Khushi was looking at everything with wide eyes, hearing the price. She many times tried to stop her but Lavanya threatened her with the name of Arnav, so she just quietly followed her.

Khushi was inside the changing room, trying yet another saree when looking around something struck in Lavanya's mind and she called Arnav.

Lavanya: Hello ASR!


Khushi: I can't wear this!  Lavanya closed her ears as Khushi shrieked loudly.

Lavanya: Stop fussing!  Go and try it!

Khushi: But Lavanya ji I have never tried these type of clothes.

Lavanya: But now you'll.

Khushi looked at the floor length party gown selected by Lavanya for her. They are decent looking and simple but the problem is she had never worn this type of clothes and if she wouldn't be able to carry it.

Khushi: I am calling Arnav ji!

Lavanya (smirking): Sure sweetheart!  But for your knowledge I have already called him asking about this. I know you'll be creating a fuss about this.

Khushi looked at him with open mouth,  when the person in talk himself called her. Khushi looked at her phone before receiving it.

Arnav: Enjoying?

Khushi: Enjoying? Arnav ji why you said to buy these clothes to Lavanya ji. You know I wouldn't be comfortable.

Arnav: Khushi they are decent,  there's nothing bad about them,  you're feeling like that because you have never tried them. Trust me you'll feel more comfortable in them than your saree.

SS: With you...... "Hamesha" ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now