Part 26

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Anjali: You are doing a mistake Khushi ji. He is lying because he don't want to lose you. Proofs are in front of you, those DNA reports, how can you overlook everything? You're doing a mistake of trusting your husband blindly over all the proofs.

And this time, just this time when Khushi turned to face Anjali, she was not just a young and naïve girl, she wasn't her sister-in-law, she wasn't  the daughter-in-law of this house but just a wife who looked straightly into Anjali's eyes. A wife who is ready to challenge the whole world and fight back if necessary, who was standing beside her husband in every step to face anything with him.

And just like that everyone gasped when Khushi opened her mouth this time to answer Anjali.

"Just like you!"


Everyone looked at Khushi with wide eyes but she just looked at Anjali, not even breaking the eye contact with the woman because of whom she have always suffered, even it's indirectly but still she always considered her as her sister just like Payal. And today again this same woman trying to separate her from her husband for her selfish reasons and foolishness of  believing an outsider over her own brother whom she always claimed  to have raised like her own child.

Anjali gulped as few more tears made their way from her eyes and looked around embarrassed somewhere guessing the clear meaning behind those three words. But soon she composed herself looking at Abhi and faced Khushi again.

Anjali: You're trying to change the topic Khushi ji. Here, we are talking about Abhi and his rights and Chotte needs to understand that being his father..... interrupted by Khushi.

Khushi: No! He don't need to understand anything as he is not his father, Arnav ji has already said that.

Anjali: You're doing wrong Khushi ji. Why are you being so selfish?

Khushi: Because this is the right thing.  Just few months ago I, Arnav ji and Nanhe was telling you the truth of your husband, You clearly denied to believe any proof because you believed your swine of husband over your own brother for whom you were his whole world. So, now when I am doing same how can you say that I am wrong ? At least unlike you I am trusting who is my family not an outsider.

Anjali(crying): So just to take revenge from me that I didn't believe you, you'll let this injustice happen with an innocent child?

Khushi (laughing): You know this is the main problem with you. You never try to understand anything except what you want to believe. Few months ago you wanted to believe your husband because of your blind love, you did and today you want to believe on Sheetal because of your attachment for Abhi, so you are believing her and then after all this you dare to call me selfish.

Payal, NK and Akash looked at her proudly and Arnav looked at them, painfully. These are the two most important women in his life and today is like a nightmare for him. Today again Di is not believing him and now this argument between Di and Khushi. Sheetal looked at Khushi shocked, she never thought her to fight like this. Looking at Anjali she feared of her plan being flopped with the way Khushi is showing mirror to Anjali.

Sheetal: You're insulting her Khushi.
Khushi: Am I? I don't think so, I am just trying to clear how she don't have any right to call me selfish.
Mami ji: You shut up! You can't hurt our Anjali bitiya in this way. You know how much hurt my Anjali bitiya already is with Shyam's deceit and you're reminding her of same again.

SS: With you...... "Hamesha" ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now