Part 39(B)

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"I think you didn't hear my wife correctly. None of you can step inside till you agree with her conditions otherwise doors are open you can get the hell out of here."

They all look at the main door where Arnav Singh Raizada was standing with no expressions, he walked inside taking long steps and stands beside Khushi proudly after kissing on her temple. Next moment Palak was also in her Bade Papa's arms screaming happily. Arnav signed Payal and she takes Palak away sending her with jai prakash to her room.

"Chotte!" Anjali cried as she takes few step forward to hug him but his palm and his words made her freeze on spot "I think you haven't heard my wife or me correctly. Let me clear it again 'None of you are allowed to step one more step inside till you agree with my wife's condition.'

All looked at him shocked and Anjali was standing like a statue unable to believe her Chotte telling her to stop coming inside their house but Arnav ignored all the different looks of family and casually sits on sofa facing them and asking for a coffee from Hari Prakash.

"ASR how can you talk to her like this? She is your sister." Sheetal started speaking coming to stand beside Anjali.

"Excuse Me! Sister? As far as I remember I don't have any sister. I just have two brothers and they are more than welcome in our place." Arnav speaks looking at them coldly making Anjali flinch. Khushi who have also settled beside Arnav, rubbed his palm softly to support him as she knew behind this cold demeanor all this must be hurting him from inside.

"Chotte! Please don't speak like this. I know we made a mistake years ago, I know Anjali shouldn't have asked you to leave Khushi bitiya but please try to understand she was worried for Abhi." This time Nani started speaking feebly. Arnav and Khushi looked at the old woman sitting on wheelchair, she looks so weak and lost, they didn't want her to suffer in all this. She is old and just want happiness of her children and Arnav can forget that she is the same person who took him under her wings and showered with so much love when they had no one an nowhere to go.

So understanding his turmoil to not hurt his grandmother Khushi again takes situation in her hands "Mrs. Raizada, with all due respect I feel it'll be better if you ask your family to take fast decision on my offer. We don't have so much time to waste if yes, I'll let you all know about the conditions and if no, than door is behind you."

Everyone looked at her still in shock of her changed behavior and with a sigh she started speaking again "I don't think you are interested in my offer, you all can leave. Now excuse us, my husband and I are very tired and need some rest." She started standing up and turned her back to them when Sheetal's voice stopped her "What are those conditions?"

Khushi smirked looking at Arnav who smirked back at her with a sly smile, schooling their expressions Khushi again turned to face them "So you want to live here?" Sheetal nods her head "Are you sure? Ask from your family also?" Sheetal looked at them almost pleadingly especially Anjali who finally coming with terms to things happening around her nodded.

"Very Well! So please hear all my conditions carefully because if anyone tried to go against them, be ready to face the consequences." Sheetal, Anjali and Manorma nodded so Khushi continues "Conditions are these, You all will live like any commoner without additional perks of having servants. You all have to do household chores from cleaning to cooking. You have to cook not only for yourself but whole family, work will be divided among you all. None of you can take any decisions before asking from me or Payal jiji. You all will be allotted with a decided amount of money according to your needs and you have to give information of all those expenses and if you need extra then why."

SS: With you...... "Hamesha" ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now