Part 37

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“Don’t hide! Please tell me what happened? You were hardly concentrating on dinner and what kids were saying. I know there’s something which is making you restless and……” she was interrupted by Arnav and the words made her freeze.

“We have to go India Khushi.”


“How can you be so careless Akash? This deal was really important for us, don’t know how much was at stake for this deal?” Sheetal was shouting at Akash and everyone looked at them with wide eyes as they were standing in living room of Raizada Mansion.

Akash looked at her with same anger as he answered back “Why are you shouting now? Wasn’t you very sure that we’ll get this deal? Weren’t you roaming with Mr. Verma on the name of meetings making sure to charm him so deal can be yours?”

“Akash!!” Sheetal shouted in anger but Akash didn’t let her complete “Don’t shout! I tried to make you understand that from the phase our business is going on we shouldn’t bid for this project, it’s too big and our base isn’t very strong anymore. I tried to make you understand that if we want to save our business we need to go for small projects for now to make it stable but no you went blind in greed thinking that we get this project our business will be fine again. And to make sure that it happens you have been trying so hard to charm Mr. Verma and you were successful also but you forgot that at the end he is businessman he won’t bear too much loss for some fun. Unfortunately you didn’t listen to me and was behind that old man trying to trap him with your beauty.”

Sheetal looked at him angrily as family looked at her in disgust, Anjali tried to take Abhi away but he didn’t move and looked at everything. “Whatever I did, I was doing for family. I thought as our business is going from crisis and our family have to compromise for each and everything which they never did before will change after we get this deal.” Sheetal tried to cover up emotionally but Akash just looked at her with sarcastic smile “Oh really? Then tell me now what will happen to this family? You know what cost we have to pay for this project and how, then now you tell me what will be the consequences of it?” Sheetal looked at him scared and gulped looking away.

Everyone looked at them suspiciously as Akash looked at her angrily, when unable to stop herself Manorma asked “What are you talking? What consequences?” Akash turned towards family now with a mocking smile “You guys have so much trust in this woman (Sheetal), right? Then why not ask from her that where she have pushed our family?”

This time Anjali steps forward looking at Sheetal “What is Akash saying Sheetal ji? What consequences this family have to face?” Sheetal looked away unable to speak anything as everyone looked at her expectantly but when she just stammered unable to form any complete sentence Akash started speaking again “Well this was the same deal for which Sheetal convinced you to keep this house as security for money and at last you agreed even after I denied. So now as we have lost this deal, so there is no way we’ll be able to return the money we have borrowed, sadly we have to vacate this place soon. In simple words, this house no more belongs to us.”

Everyone gasped, Anjali stumbled back in shock and Abhi supported her, Manorma held her head sitting down on sofa and Akash just smiled sadly as he looked at Nani (grandmother) who was sitting numbly with Manohar. He walks closer to her and started speaking looking at both Anjali and her “You know what’s more sad that Bhai (Arnav) even after leaving thought about this family therefore he left his share of business on Di, thinking that she may concentrate on it and become independent and this house on your name Nani thinking you’ll keep it safe for family but here again you failed him and his trust on you both.” Saying this he glanced at everyone once more before marching upstairs to his room followed by Payal.

“What?” Khushi whispered in shock.

Arnav nodded “I know what you’re thinking but we need to go, I have received call from Akash and whatever he have told me isn’t good. He needs us, after a pause, they need us.”

He was speaking while cupping Khushi’s cheek which she removed as she stepped back with teary eyes, shaking her head in denial “No! I won’t go there. No! We won’t go there, none of us. You heard me? None of us will go there, I won’t let you.”

Arnav looked at her stunned and tried to hold her again and make her understand but she shrugged his hands away in anger and screamed “Don’t you understand? Do whatever you want to help them from here only but we won’t go there. I and my children will never step there after what they did.” She almost runs away after screaming leaving a shocked Arnav behind who was unable to believe his selfless Khushi just said those words.

On Dinning Table (Shantivan)

Everyone was just playing with food, none have any appetite left after the revelation. Their mind is only one thing ‘Where will they go?’ , ‘What’ll they do?’. Manohar started speaking with Akash breaking the silence “How much time we have to make arrangements for another place?” Akash sighed as he looked at his father sadly “I am afraid not much, just two weeks.”

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes “Then where will we go?” Manorma asked this time in tears. Akash felt bad looking at his mother’s and Anjali’s teary eyes but they have invited it to themselves. “After two weeks they have finalized the date for the auction of this house and we have to vacate this place till that day. I and Payal have an apartment in Delhi which Payal have bought with her savings from restaurant.” Manorma, Anjali and Sheetal smiled hopefully but it was short lived as Akash continued “But I am afraid we  all won’t be able to live there.”

Anjali looked at him sadly and asked in feeble voice “Why Akash?” but instead of Akash this time Payal answered “Because Ms. Anjali Raizada, that apartment is not big as this Shantivan and even if I accept that all of can be adjusted there somehow due to this situation even then I won’t let this woman (Sheetal) step into my house. Sheetal tried to speak something but Payal didn’t let her as she glared at her, Anjali and Manorma “I can never forget how my sister have been insulted and blamed for no reason under this roof many times, have been asked to leave this house on many occasions. This wasn’t my home but that is and who can live there will be my wish.”

Anjali looked at Akash expectantly who looked away, concentrating on his food and Sheetal started her drama “It’s ok Anjali Di, I and Abhi will look something for ourselves. You all can go and live with Akash and Payal, I don’t want you to suffer because of us anymore.” Sheetal looked satisfied as Anjali’s gripped Abhi’s hand with fear clouding in her eyes and tears ready to spill from her eyes. With a fake sad emotion on her face she got up from her seat and left from there, smirking after turning her face to other side. Anjali won’t let Abhi go and she can’t go anywhere without Abhi as his mother. So now the family will themselves convince Akash and Payal.

Sheetal was shocked when next day Anjali entered in her room with teary eyes “I tried to convince Akash but he said he won’t tell anything to Payal and hurt her. Payl have all the rights to decide whom she wants on her property and who she don’t. I even said if you and Abhi won’t stay there then even I won’t as I can’t stay without Abhi and you know what he replied Sheetal ji that Di it won’t work on me, I am not Bhai (Arnav). If you really want this then you are more then welcome to look for another place along with Sheetal to stay with them.”

Sheetal tried to console her and convince that they’ll try to talk with Akash again, she don’t need to leave her family but Anjali denied “No Sheetal ji, it’s not about only Akash. It depends on Payal ji and she hates us she won’t ever agree. I have told him that I will stay with you and Abhi, that we both will work and raise Abhi as best as we can.” She started crying speaking how she lost her another brother also today and Sheetal tried to console her with fake tears, planning her next move in mind. Of course she isn’t going to carry this extra baggage with her if she really have to go away.

To be continued………………

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