Epilogue (A) Wattpad Update

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After two years



"Khushi" Arnav patted the place beside him while calling her name again and again but his hands only met emptiness. Feeling irritated, he finally opened his eyes and sat up while yawning. He again looked at the space beside him and just when he was going to scream Khushi's name again, she entered inside the room with wide smile and a cup of coffee for him.

"You're already awake? That's good. Go and get fresh before having this coffee." Khushi ordered him while he smiled at her like a child before getting up and walking closer to her. He takes the tray from her hands and keeps it aside before engulfing her in his arms. "Why I was left alone in the bed when you know that I hate it when I don't see you around after opening my eyes?" He speaks all the while showering kisses on her face and Khushi smiled at his antics.

"I have so much work to do before we leave and you were sleeping like a carefree child, so I didn't have a heart to disturb your sleep. Now, don't waste my time. There is so much work to do and very less time. Go and brush your teeth and then have your coffee." Khushi replied him but Arnav only frowned in return "Khushi, we have flight in evening. So just relax and you have already done the packing then why are you taking so much tension?"

Khushi looked at him with a frown "Exactly, we have flight in evening and that means just few hours. Our packing is still incomplete and Kids are planning to meet their friends before we leave and even I need to meet few of our neighbors and friends which have made here." Arnav shakes his head in defeat, not dragging this stupid argument further as he knew it wouldn't take him anywhere when in front of him is standing his crazy wife.





Standing near the glass walls of his office, Arnav looked at the busy roads outside and sighed. This city and these surroundings have been their home for more than 9 years now but finally they have decided to return their real home, their home country, India.

Khushi, children, Amma, Babu ji and Bua ji, all are excited with going back to India and frankly speaking even he is happy but little apprehensive also. His sister is getting married, she is finally taking steps in her life without anyone's support and he is happy about that. They have met only few times after that night in Shantivan two years ago and every time, the look of longing and sadness in her eyes makes a part of him feel sad as well.

He know that her eyes will again look at him with that longing and craving to have his forgiveness, that longing to have her brother back but he don't know if he is ready. He wants to forgive her, he also wants to hold his sister, lie down in her lap as she caress his hairs but then the image of shattered Khushi comes in front of him. Khushi, who was accused of things she never did, Khushi from whom his sister wanted to separate him and the same Khushi who is now roaming around excitedly with her marriage's news. He closed his eyes in frustration and decided to take things as they come.

SS: With you...... "Hamesha" ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now