Part 31

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Next Day

Arnav was at AR when his phone beeped indicating a message, looking at the name of sender he opened it  with a smile to see another picture of them. He chuckles looking at it, she is doing it from morning today. She have clicked few pictures of them today in early morning when he was sleeping peacefully holding her in his arms and his mischievous kitten have their photographs clicked on her new iphone.

She is wearing his shirt to cover herself inside the sheets covering their lower bodies and she have clicked many pictures in few she is kissing his nose, his cheeks, looking at him with those hooded eyes, in few she have angled her face that his lips are touching her cheek, he is snuggling into her more to sleep some more. He know why she is doing that because she knows whatever he is going to do today is going to be very difficult, it will distance him more from his family, it will hurt him and so she is using those pictures to lift up his mood now. Sending them to him in proper intervals of time and he is actually smiling.

Time to time she always proves that she is an angel of his life, only he knows how was he feeling while coming here and what he would have been doing if not these loving and full of mischief messages of her. He looks at his lawyer in front of him and gives a final nod after checking everything, signing on the papers he gives them back to him to get them registered. Pressing the button under his desk he unlocked the door of his cabin and lifted the curtains of his glass cabin as lawyer left shaking hands with him.

He leaned back in his chair with closed eyes and sighed "It is going to be very difficult he knew that and also that it will hurt but never did he thought that he will feel so much empty and content at the same time. One side he have left all his relations behind especially his Di, making emptiness fill inside him so other side he have got Khushi on his side to support him, to fill his life with happiness and light."

His phone beeped again and this time he didn't even checked the name before he clicked it open and before he can stop himself he was laughing. There on his phone screen lay picture in which Khushi is struggling to click the picture in which she is kissing him on his lips. He can see her pouting as she tried to take perfect shot because it was live picture. He instantly typed the reply "I Love you dammit! I am coming home." He got up still looking at the picture and whispered kissing his mobile's screen "Crazy woman! What'll I do without you?" he walked out his cabin taking his few important and necessary things in a bag and keep looking at his cabin and complete office "He is surely going to miss it."

On the way he have already called Akash and Nk to reach home asap, he needs to let them know about his decision and make sure they understands his point of view. If still they will have any problem then he will change it as they want but not completely, he can change decisions which includes them but not the complete family.

Door opened to reveal a smiling Khushi, or should he say trying to hide her nervousness and tension for him with that smile and he instantly hugged her putting a stop on both their restless hearts.

"I missed you" Arnav whispered in her ears.
"And I missed you too" she replied back with a smile caressing his back.

Closing the door behind him. Arnav walked inside still holding Khushi in his arms and Khushi also led him silently. Today no words are needed between them, he needs her support and she is going to give it without any question. Khushi gives him water to drink as he threw his coat somewhere loosening his tie, she settled beside him on sofa and soon Arnav kept his head on her lap, lying half of his body on sofa.

After few minutes of soothing silence Arnav started speaking "I don't know if whatever I have decided is right or wrong Khushi, I don't know what everyone will think of it but I just couldn't anything else. I just hope Mumma (mother) is not disappointed with me, she will understand my decisions and choice. I didn't take them by choice but was pushed to take them by situations."

Khushi kept caressing his head and shoulders and started speaking "I wouldn't say anything about right or wrong either Arnav jji, I don't think I should more then me you know your family and the decisions you have taken are right or wrong for them. But I will ask just one question from you." She turned him on her lap in a way that now he is facing her and looked into his eyes before asking "What do you feel in your heart? Whatever you have done, are you in piece with that? What does your heart say your decision was right or wrong?"

Arnav looked back into her eyes as he replied "I won't lie Khushi, this decision I have taken on my heart's call only. Though it was difficult as one side was my family and sister so on other side was truth and my love but still in my heart the more strongest call was for my love and truth. About piece, not completely because I am going to leave my family back but the contentment I am feeling for supporting what I feel was right is enough to bring me peace."

Khushi smiled as kissed on his forehead and Arnav gripped on her hand tightened "You yourself answered all of your questions and according to me, I may not know what decisions you have taken and where they are going to take us but I know just one thing that 'I Trust you' and your decisions. I know whatever they are you won't do anything wrong to them, even if we are not together today but still they are your family and you love them." She replied with a smile and then that smile turned mischievous as she continued " Also about what will anyone think, from when ASR started thinking about what others think?"

This time they both laughed together and at the same time door bell rang and as soon as Arnav opened the door entered Akash, Payal, Nk and Lavanya screaming "Happy Anniversary". They all hugged each other and Arnav Khushi also wishes Akash and Payal, soon they all settled down talking laughing and after having a fun filled lunch they all settled in living room.

Arnav looked at the smiling faces and sighed looking at Khushi, he have to reveal everything now. Khushi pressed her palm above his resting on his knees and Arnav cleared his throat to get everyone's attention "I have decided something which I want to let you know and discuss about it."

Akash: What is it bhai? (brother)

Nk and Lavanya also asked at the same time and Payal also looked at him and Khushi to see them looking at each other and talking through their eyes. Soon everyone's expressions turned serious as they realized whatever is coming is very important and serious matter.

Arnav started "I have called the lawyer earlier and today I met him in AR, I had some decisions to make after what happened and I didn't want to make it late." He looked at Akash as he spoke "Akash from now on AR branch will be under and you and Di, I have distributed by shares of Delhi's branch between you and Di equally."

"What?" Akash suddenly gets up in shock when Arnav asks him to sit back and hear him completely. "But Bhai (brother) Why would you do that? I won't accept it. Take your decision back, it's only yours. AR is yours."

Arnav sighed as he tried what he knew will work "Just Shut up Akash and hear me completely without any word. You will get to speak when I am done. Get that?" Akash nodded unhappily and Arnav continued "Yes AR is mine, and therefore I am not leaving it. I would have done that happily if it was only for you and Di but we all know a certain lady trying to claim everything which is mine from my name to my family with that child which she claims to be mine. So I will never leave everything we have worked so hard to get destroyed."

Arnav looked at their confused faces and then at Khushi before continuing
"I and Khushi, we are shifting to New York." As soon as he completed as expected they heard another round of gasps.

To be continued........

Precap: Till then any guesses what have Arnav planned for his dear family and Di?

SS: With you...... "Hamesha" ||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now