Part 43

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"HHBB, and how do you know they don't have any child?" They turned to look at Manorma Mami standing at Kitchen's door. "Anjali Bitiya, don't listen to her. What if Arnav Bitwa gets angry and we end up losing this roof over head." She said looking distastefully at Sheetal who looked away. "Have you seen any kids with them? And if they have kids, could they leave them alone from them from so many days?" Sheetal retorted and though Mami tried to argue but Anjali's mind started working in the way Sheetal wanted.


That night when Arnav and Khushi came back, family was just starting with dinner. "We already had our dinner outside, you continue."Arnav answered Akash who was calling them for dinner and taking Khushi's hand disappeared towards their room. One of their guard soon entered behind them, carrying various shopping bags and left them in living room. Anjali, Mami and Sheetal looked at everything silently and Sheetal was burning in jealousy from inside.

Later, Arnav and Khushi walked down after changing into nightwear and sits in living room. Khushi started arranging all the shopping bags as others joined them after completing their dinner. Khushi gave few packets to Payal which she have brought for her, Akash and their daughter, she gave two packets to Mama ji, then she called Abhi which instantly caught Anjali's attention. Khushi forwarded three bags in front of Abhi, who looked at those bag unsure "Take these, there are few clothes and your favorite video games."

Abhi takes the bags from her hands with a thank you after Mama ji encouraged him. Anjali was going to stop him but Sheetal stopped her, saying not to come into ASR's bad books anymore. Khushi takes two bags and Arnav carries other bags as they walked back upstairs after telling Sheetal and Anjali to prepare his coffee. Khushi kept two of the bags in Nani's room who was sleeping already after an early dinner because of her medicines and covered her from duvet properly.

Later that night when Arnav and Khushi were cuddling in bed "I think now we should call kids here." Arnav suggested making Khushi to look at him in surprise. "We don't know for how long we have to stay here and like you I am missing them too." Khushi sighed "I know and I want nothing more then that myself but I feel scared."

Arnav made her look at him "I understand Khushi but you don't need to feel scared. We'll be here, Payal and Akash are here and I'll make sure to arrange best security around them." Khushi stays silent for a while then nods slowly. "Great then I'll call Babu ji and tell them to come here as soon as Ansh's summer vacation starts." Khushi smiled and hugged him more tightly as they soon fell asleep happily with the thought of meeting their children soon.

From next day they experienced a sudden change in Anjali who was acting like she have suddenly opened some memory book and trying to remind him those. However emotional her actions and behavior made Arnav he tried ti ignore it all because whatever they are thinking, they have forgot that he is ASR. he isn't not a fool to ignore this sudden, overnight change and how Anjali's eyes keeps looking at Sheetal.

Arnav and Khushi soon realized they're playing some game lead by Sheetal. Akash and Payal also trying to understand their motive after the initial confusion. Manorma Mami many times tried to stop Anjali but the wish to win her Chotte back have made her blind.

Sheetal, Anjali and Manorma also noticed how there's some renovation going on in upper floor and none of them are allowed to go there. Sheetal many times tried to sneak but either guards or Payal caught her. Khushi and Payal keeps increasing their work pressure making Sheetal to curse them more.


Arnav looked at Khushi who was sitting beside him but was lost in other thoughts and he knew the reason. She is not feeling well as she's missing their children. She told she is feeling like something is wrong and so they talked with kids yesterday but still she's not satisfied. He looked at her plate which was still untouched. It was just another day and Anjali was trying her tactics again on breakfast table which was ignored by Arnav like always but her glances at Sheetal just irked him more. "Stop this drama." He shouted standing from his seat. Everyone looked at them and Khushi also stands beside Arnav "What are you trying to do?"

"Chotte" Anjali tried to touch him and he instantly takes step back. "Don't call me that! Only my sister had right to call me that and I lost her long back. So it'll be for your own good if you don't cross that line." Anjali cried looking at him and Sheetal looked at them with wide eyes in the fear of her plan getting spoiled.

Khushi and Payal looked at each other, they very well knew how hard it was getting for Arnav to bear this drama going on from last few days and finally he had enough. "Don't speak like that Chotte. You may have forgotten us but I still love you, I have missed you all these years. I was just trying to get my brother back." Anjali speaks through tears and Arnav looks away.

"Stop this emotional drama. You have already proved how much you love your brother years ago, when every time you picked someone else over your brother. First your criminal husband then an outsider." Arnav spat back and Anjali shakes her head in denial "I was just trying to give your blood what he deserves. I was just trying to mend your mistake." Arnav scoffed as he looked away from her to Abhi who was looking at everything, silently.

Khushi also looked at Abhi and asked him to go inside his room with Palak and before Abhi can do that Anjali interrupted in between "Stop behaving and ordering him like his mother." Every eye turned to look at her in surprise and Sheetal closed her eyes at her stupidity, now her plan is failed as this stupid woman can't stay quiet.

"What did you just say?" Arnav asks from her as his eyes went to Sheetal who was now trying to hide and Mami who was standing while keeping her palm on her forehead. "Have you forgot that you're talking with the owner of this house?" He speaks through gritted teeth. "Owner?" Anjali chuckles "Yea, right. She is owner. She own everything, this house, you, and now controls every step of this family also."

Khushi looked at her stunned but ignored her as she holds Arnav's hand and tells him to leave but he pulled her back. "Exactly, so do yourself a favor and talk to her with respect." Anjali scoffed hearing that "If you can see I am doing everything she orders us to do but what I don't understand why is she taking so much interest in Abhi? Making sure he have his meals on time, his studies and his other needs? Why so much love for someone who is apparently her husband's child from another woman?"

Mami closed her eyes at her stupidity and others also looked at her in disgust for her thinking. Khushi looked at Sheetal, understanding very well from where this seed of insecurity is coming whereas Arnav just smiled at her sadly. She have turned so dumb and blind in her own world that even a light touch of air is enough to scare her.

To be continued.......

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