Part 34 [Maha-Update]

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New York ( After 7 years)

A man groaned in sleep feeling sunlight on his face and flipping on other side slept again before the duvet with which he covered his face to sleep again was snatched away making his irritated and he sat up “What the!!!!!!”  Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he looked at the person in front of him in confusion and then smiled sheepishly with half closed eyes “Khushiiii” he almost moaned stretching her name.

Yes the man is none other then Arnav Singh Raizada and the person standing before him is his dear wife Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada who was glaring him ummm or was glaring him because the way is looking and the way he just uttered her name can make her weak anytime. Leaning on headboard behind with half closed eyes and that heart warming smile Arnav looked yummy to her, umm yea yummy right? When all she wants to do right now to go and kiss him, tangle her fingers in those soft and messy dark manes and play with that shirtless body of his.

She groaned in frustration, this shameless husband of her has made her shameless also over the years. Here she came to wake him up and scold him for acting like child but now she is standing and openly drooling on him. She pouted when she heard him chuckle and whisper now looking at her “ You know however much you try you can’t stay angry on me.” He smirked and stomping her feet, Khushi walked towards him.

“You are late, just get up and don’t try to act sweet with me and yea I am still angry with you.” She said pointing finger at him, making him gulp, so all that seduction from last night didn’t help because his stubborn wife is back to her anger in morning. “Breakfast is ready, come downstairs fast.” She turned back to leave the room when the next moment she shrieked and fell over the lap of smirking Arnav. “ Why did you pull me? Let me go” she said trying to sound angry but Arnav just tightened his hold more on her “I am sorry na! Trust me I did remember that we have go for dinner but when that sudden meeting came, I don’t know how I lost the track of time and forgot that I have promised to take you out for dinner.”

Arnav pouted like a child, trying everything to charm his angry wife who was all set to melt but then she composed herself. “No Sorry! No excuses this time. You always do that, now go and handle your precious business that is more important for you.” She speaks still stubborn to give in and looked away but holding her chin he made her turn to look at him “Nothing is important for me then you. I am sorry that I sometimes (Khushi glared at him and he corrected) ok sorry mostly do these stupidity but I never do it deliberately. In fact I always try my best to complete all work and get back to home so I can spend my time with my family.” He looks at Khushi’s expressions which were mellowing down now and caressed her cheek with a smile “And to compensate for yesterday, I am going to spend all day today with you, no office, no video conferences. Now please forgive me.”

Khushi smiled looking at him and what she was actually thinking to do sometime ago, tangling her fingers into his still messy hairs from sleep she kissed him. Initially taken aback but instantly Arnav wrapped his arms around her and flipped her beneath him on bed taking charge of this morning kiss which soon turned into making out but before it can go more forward constant knocks on the door broke the spell. Telling Khushi to go inside the washroom and compose her messed up state Arnav slipped into his shirt and opened the door.

Next moment two bodies were hugging him one from waist and another from leg “Good Morning Pa!” “Good Morning Dad” both exclaimed together making Arnav smile heartily as leaning down he picked his daughter ‘Anya’ in his arms first and then his son ‘Ansh’. They both pecked his cheeks and he did same wishing them good morning. “So my babies are ready for School?” Arnav asked as he sat on best making Ansh sat on one side and Anya on his lap and next moment it started the complete chatter box his daughter is, completely inheriting this trait of her mother started telling him everything they did from the moment she have opened her eyes making him chuckle and Ansh looked at his sister irritated, she never leaves the room for him to speak anything.

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