Part 23

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Sheetal: Anjali ji? You here? At this time?
Anjali: Sorry to disturb you Sheetal ji but there’s something I need to talk with you urgently about.
Sheetal: What happened? Is it related to Abhi? Sorry if he disturbed you, I asked him to sleep but he said he want to complete his work and ran to your room.
Anjali: "I want to know, what is this?" She said showing her the D.N.A reports.
Sheetal: "Anjali ji!!" She started faking her a shocked look.


After two days

Everyone in Raizada mansion was having breakfast, today is the day when Sheetal is going to shift into her new flat with Abhi. So everything has been cooked of Sheetal’s and Abhinav’s choice, Khushi was trying hard to look happy but she was still scared thinking about those reports and possibilities. She felt his warm hands on her thigh as he squeezed it a little giving her his support.

Though she haven’t  told him anything about those reports and the reason of her messed up state that night but he knows that she is insecure around Sheetal and he have been on her side almost always. She kept her hand above his on her thigh squeezing it, accepting his support and smiled at him showing she is fine. Both failed to notice two pairs of eyes looking at them.

Sheetal gritted her teeth in jealousy as she looked at their bond which she failed to break whereas Anjali looked at them unsure about what is right or wrong and whom should she support. If going on the satisfaction and happiness on her brothers face she stays quiet than it will be unfair and if to mend the mistakes of past she does the right thing then may be she’ll snatch this smile from her chotte’s face. With a sigh she completed her breakfast looking at Abhi who was looking sad and playing with his food.

Arnav: Sheetal I have already granted you a day off for today and if you want to take off for a two three days more till you get settled in new place, let me know.

He said done with his breakfast as he got up from seat instantly followed by Khushi who felt too uncomfortable to sit around with Sheetal and Abhi without Arnav.

Arnav: What happened Khushi? Finish your breakfast.
Khushi: I am done. I don’t feel like having more.
Arnav (sarcastically): Really? You haven’t had even one thing completely in your system you were playing with your food eating like kid in between.

“Now sit back and finish it” He pushed her back on her chair and she instantly holds his hand, he sat back on his chair holding the plate in his hand and filled it with with what she eats among the dishes placed on table of Sheetal and Abhi’s choice. He then himself started feeding her as she silently ate looking down, family looked at them in concern.

Nani: What happened Khushi bitiya? I hope you and chotte haven’t fought?
Arnav: Nani there’s nothing like that! Can’t I pamper my wife sometimes?
Nk: Why not Nannav mere bhai? She’s your wife pamper her as much as you want.

Payal: "Yes Arnav ji but today Khushi is looking unusually quiet, I hope everything is ok." She said looking at Khushi who was still looking down as Arnav continued to feed her, with the way they’re teasing and Arnav’s open PDA her sister would have been blushing furiously or ran away in shyness but she looked completely oblivious to her surroundings.

Arnav: Don’t worry Payal, everything is fine and you know your crazy sister, right? It’s just her another trick to bother me.

Everyone smiles agreeing with him and Sheetal clutched the table burning in anger looking at them. Anjali looked at them and then at Sheetal who was looking tense, she sighed thinking Sheetal is feeling hurt seeing Arnav and Khushi like this.

Sheetal: "ASR! I think I’ll be taking off for few days as it’ll take sometime for me to settle everything. You know I have Abhi with me and till I make sure everything is set for him and he is safe, I don’t want to leave him alone in some new place." She said trying to get his attention from Khushi to herself.

Arnav: Fine with me! Just let the HR team know in written as per rules.

Sheetal nodded frustrated with the way he always tries to keep everything minimal and professional between them. She looks at Anjali who was now feeding Abhi and smirked planning her next move
“Of course she wouldn’t be leaving Shantivan so easily”.

Sheetal: "Abhi come on go and take everyone’s blessings!" Sheetal told Abhinav after she brought all her luggage in hall.

Abhi nodded before he ran to take everyone’s blessing and bid bye. Anjali hugged him wiping a single tear from his eyes.
Abhi: I’ll miss you.
Anjali: Not more than us.
Nk: Abhi you can come here anytime you wish to meet us. Just give me a call and I’ll myself bring you.

Nk started speaking to change the sad atmosphere, though he never says anything but he have noticed the changes in family. And looking at how Khushi ji have started going into shell in earlier days after Sheetal’s arrival he was really worried but before he can do anything and talk with Nannav he saw Arnav himself taking care of Khushi ji and then suddenly everything started changing.

Khushi ji started looking more happy and content excluding the time when Sheetal was around and then her appearance also started changing and he knew his cousin is behind all this. So he stayed mum seeing no need to interfere when the couple is sorting out everything on their own. He even maintained distance with Sheetal forgetting his crush when he noticed how his dear friend is not happy around her.

When Arnav asked Sheetal to look for other place to stay he have seen his eagerness to that and why as he kept glancing at Khushi in between and a relief on Khushi ji’s face. He knew there is more to this and Sheetal’s leaving this house matters so much to his cousin and friend. So he’ll support them without questioning and he’ll get to know everything when they feel important to tell.

Nani: Yes Abhi! Whenever   you want to meet us, don’t think before coming here.
Abhi: Thank you!

Arnav sighed looking at his family and then he looked at Khushi who was almost clawing his hand standing beside him. He is finding her lost for most of the time from that night and sticking close to him like he’ll run away if she didn’t hold him. He’ll get his answers soon, once Sheetal leaves then he’ll see if it’ll relax her otherwise he’ll himself ask her what’s the matter.

Sheetal: Ok now we should leave! Thank you for everything again.
Nani: Don’t embarrass us bitiya. It was a pleasure to have you and Abhi here.

Sheetal smiled and she hugged Anjali who stood there without moving, she somehow kept hands on Sheetal’s back. Sheetal smirked inwardly as coming out of hug she turned to go with Abhi holding his hand, Nk asked them to hurry up as he is the one who is going to  drop them. They were just at the door step when Anjali’s voice stopped them.

Anjali: Stop Sheetal ji! You are not going anywhere.

Everyone looked at her confused and Arnav looked at khushi whose grip tightened more as she leaned towards him.

To be continued……………….

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