After The Benefits End - Part 52

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Sophia was now four months old, I couldn’t believe how fast time was flying.  Her first smile melted my heart completely; it was the mirror of Dan’s. I swear if it wasn’t for the fact that I was pregnant and felt every pain of giving birth to her, I would say I had no part in making her. From her short dark curls, her tanned skin, and her smile, she was the spit of Dan. The only thing she hadn’t inherited from Dan was her eyes, they had somehow managed to stay crystal blue; and against her tanned skin they stood out by a clear mile.

I knew soon enough she would be crawling everywhere and we’d have to keep an eye on her constantly but for now she would just sit contently on her mat and play with her toys.

Today Evie had come round with Thomas for a catch up, with Paige,Megan, Erin, Katy and Ruby joining us as well. Standing up to answer the door, I invited the girls in to sit. “Take a seat, kettle is nearly boiled.” I smiled as they all took seats on the sofa.

“‘So how’s everyone been?” Paige asked sitting on the floor with Sophia pulling faces at her.

“Great yea.” Evie grinned feeding Thomas his bottle.

“Yea good, me and Jay have finally moved in together.” Katy smiled

“Awwww congratulations .” I replied. “So any lad news with you two?” I asked looking at Paige and Ruby, the last two single girls.

“I might have met someone.” Paige smiled “It’s early days so I don’t want to jinx anything.”

“I can’t wait to meet him, what’s his name?” Ruby asked


“Do we know him?” Evie asked placing Thomas on the floor and he crawled over to Paige and Sophia.

“I don’t think so, he’s not from round here. Just moved into the area when I bumped into him at Nandos.” She laughed “We had this connection, so when he asked for my number I gave it him.”

“Nandos…bringing people great food and dates.” Katy laughed

“What about you Ruby?” Evie asked

“Well you know I’ve been seeing that Scott lad yea?” he asked and we nodded, allowing her to continue,

“Well he took me away at the weekend for a little get away.” She beamed, her smile touching her eyes as they lit her with her talking about him. She was completely smitten with him.

“Awww that’s so nice.” I smiled, before walking into the kitchen to grab Sophia’s bottle, picking her up off the carpet as I sat back down.

“We never left the room all weekend.” She giggled.

“Seriously?” Erin gasped

“Yea, it was amazing. We connected so much deeper on a different level entirely.”

“Wow.” I replied sitting there quietly as Ruby went into more detail of what had gone on and the positions they’d done. Working their way quickly through the Karma-Sutra by the sounds of things.

“Liv you’ve been quiet today…everything okay with you and Dan?” Megan asked

“Yea we’re fine,” I smiled whilst burping Sophia. She had fallen asleep on my shoulder so I took her upstairs to her room and placed her in the cot, turning on the baby monitor so I could hear her downstairs.

Coming back downstairs all the girls were looking at me. “What?”

“ what’s up?” Evie asked me

Sighing I looked at them knowing I could trust them. “With Ruby talking about all the sex she’s been having. My mind wondered to when the last time Dan and I had sex.”

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