After The Benefits End - Part 10

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“Dan are we going where I think we’re going?” I ask as I notice a couple of sign posts.

“Probably.” He laughed and I leant over and kissed his cheek.

“I’ve not been to Alton Towers in yearsssss” I say well more like squeal, I was so excited.

“I know baby, that’s why we’re here.” He grinned at me, linking his fingers through mine, playing with my ring on my finger.

Ten minutes later we were driving into the park. The traffic lights here made me laugh; they had a smiley face on the green light, a normal face on the amber and a sad face on the red light. So random, every traffic light should be like this, it would make driving much more interesting.

We parked the car and got out. I was so excited. 

“, keep my phone in your pocket’ve got zips yea?”

“Yea .” He replies placing my phone into his pocket.

“Okay, so we need to remember where we’re parked.” I say looking around

“We’re in zone D and right by the bendy tree.” He laughed “That rhymes”

“You are such a child sometimes.” I giggle walking towards the monorail.

“At least we will remember where we’re parked.” He replied catching up to me, linking his fingers though mine.

We queued up to ride the monorail to take us to the park before getting showing our tickets at the entrance. Dan being all Mr prepared for our trip had already pre-booked them and as we were staying at the hotel tonight we could go into the park early.

“I can’t believe we get to stay at Alton Towers hotel.” I grin at him as we receive a map of a member of staff on the way in.

“I know you’ve wanted to do it so here we are, mission accomplished.”

“Okay, I need to pee. So wait here.” I say to him popping into the ladies quickly.

I came out and Dan was staring intently at the map, I shook my head at him and took the map off him.

“What you doing?” he laughed trying to get it off me.

“Half the fun of being in a theme park, is running around....not using a map.” I laugh and he rolls his eyes at me.

“Fine , you win. Where to first?” he asks

“I duno, let’s see what the first ride is we can go on.”

“Ahh yes, we’re staying at the hotel so we can go in earlier than the others.” He grinned

We walked past the coffee shops and the frog pond to where the queue of people were waiting for the park to open. We made our way through to the front and showed our passes to the workers before being allowed past.

“Looks like this is the first ride.” Dan grins as we made our way to the Sonic Spin ball.

“This is new since I’ve been here.” I smile as we make our way around the queue.

“I only ever came that one time when we came with college.”

“I think that was the last time I came...” I say thinking about when the last time I came here was.

“This looks boss.” Dan grinned as we watched the four seater car zoom around the track spinning around at the same time before sitting down ourselves.

“You ready ?” Dan grinned at me and I nodded holding onto the handle in front of me as our cart began to move.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” was all you could hear from me and Dan on the ride. It was over before we knew it.

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