After The Benefits End - Part 46

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The kitchen door opened and Dan was stood there smiling with an apron on, a pan in one hand and a whisk in another. 

“Hey’re home early.” He smiled placing both items down on the side unit.

“Err yea...I finished my files quicker than I expected.” I stuttered... “Not interrupting anything am I?”

“No you’re not interrupting...but I know you’re trying to think what occasion you’ve missed aren’t you?” he laughed causally walking over to me and I nodded slightly confused.

“Six months this date...” he began and my mind whipped back to the beginning of summer... “Was the night I kissed you in the kitchen...the night I got the courage to show you how I truly felt.” He beamed wrapping his his arms around my waist.

“Oh wow...six months, is that it? Seems much longer.” I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I know...but it’s been the best six months of my life.”

I raised my eyebrow at him and he smiled. “I know it might not have been the smoothest six months but they were all with you.”

I could feel a big cheesy grin on my face as he spoke. Just when I thought I couldn't love him more than I already did, he proves me wrong.

“So I thought I'd treat you tonight. Now take off your shoes and relax, dinner won't be long.”

“You cooked?” I asked

“Yea, I rang mum and she talked me through it.”

“Aww bless you .” I smiled leaning in and giving him a kiss. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome baby. Now go upstairs and get changed, I'll be up on a minute.”

“Okay .”

I toddled upstairs and changed into in pink onzie. Letting my hair fall out of the tight grip I keep it in for work and running my fingers through it. I heard Dan run past my room and up to his to get changed. Minutes later my door opened and Dan was stood in my doorway in his sexy dark blue onzie as well and a beanie on his head.

"You ready ?" he asks

"Yea. Now don't we look cute in our onzies." I laugh 

"It’s because we come as a pair you and me...always have...always will." he simply replied causing me to press my lips against his in a sweet embrace.

"Love you." I smile

"Love you too Tink."

Linking our fingers together we walked downstairs and into the kitchen, which was spotless. I didn't know how he did it. I always made a mess...he was cooking in future.

"Take a seat ." he smiled going over to the oven as I sat down and watched him sort out dinner, this was an unexpected surprise to say the least.

"Oh my god Dan, that was amazing." I smile rubbing what felt like my very bloated stomach.

"Thank you baby." he grinned so proud of himself linking our fingers together across the table. 

"You can cook more often."

"Well I will have to learn more dishes first otherwise all you'll be getting out of me is this sausage casserole."

"Fine by me , that was lush and by the end of this pregnancy I doubt I'll be able to reach the cooker."

"Don’t worry baby, I'll be taking care of you...both of you." he replied with a sincere smile on his face and squeezing my hands tight. I blew him a kiss over the table but that didnt seem good enough because seconds later I was wrapped up in his arms as his lips met mine in a passionate kiss.

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