After The Benefits End - Part 50

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The next morning consisted of me and Dan ringing up our friends and family’s to let them know of our news. Whilst Dan was on the phone to his very excited mum, I rang Evie to let her know. To say she was happy was an understatement with the amount of screaming that came down the phone. During our conversation I found out that my engagement ring was the last minute present Dan and Luke had gone out to buy on Christmas Eve. Glancing over to Dan who was on the other side of the room I couldn’t help but smile at him.

The next week flew by; and once again we turned into tourist mode. We went to Rockefeller  Centre, went to Ground Zero, to Wall Street, Ellis Island and the statue of Liberty, and a personal fave…Central park zoo. One of my favourite days was when we went on the movie tour around the city which was amazing. We went into FAO Schwarz and jumped on the giant piano, like Tom Hanks did in Big. We went past pottery barn from friends and went into Rockefeller Centre and they showed us where Elf and Home Alone 2 were filmed.

We included a couple of nights out and a trip to the broadway to watch The Lion King as well. Seeing it in London was amazing but here in New York was another thing entirely. And again I was crying when Mufasa died, seriously Disney, break my heart why don’t you. 

On one of our last days we went into Macy’s, spending at least six hours in there and of course on the way back to the hotel, I kept my promise and we went back into M&M Word for Dan to buy something. 

It was now the night before we were heading home and I was packing my suitcase. “I don’t want to go home; I love New York too much.” I moaned folding one of my tops away.

“I know baby me too, but just think in six days we’ve got our scan…we get to see our baby.” He grinned walking over to me and placing his hands on my stomach. Being eleven weeks pregnant I had somewhat of a bump now, I had googled what other bumps at my stage as well to compare, see if mine was normal. Dan said I was stupid and that our bump would be whatever if wanted it to be.

“Yea I know …I can’t wait to see our baby either.”

“Do you want to find out the sex of the baby or leave it to be a surprise?” he asked as we lay back on the bed. Lifting my top up to see my bump

“I think I want the surprise of it all. Mum never found out when she was having me and Evie.”

“Yea mum never foud out with me a surprise then.”

“Yea…well we don’t find out till the twenty week scan anyway what the sex is.”

“Ahh right,” he grinned kissing my bump. “Come along you, we need to finish packing so we can get an early night before we leave tomorrow.”


“Tink come on otherwise we’ll miss out appointment.” Dan shouted up to me

“Coming.” I replied “You don’t have a baby who is squeezing your bladder like a toy every ten minutes making you want to pee.”

“That I don’t.” he laughed as I waddled down the stairs.

It was now March and the day of our twenty week scan. Everything was coming along great, no problems with our pregnancy at all. Also Dan and I had finally moved into our own place. It wasn’t that far away from where Evie and Luke had moved to as well. They didn’t like all the room they had spare once we had left. 

“Miss Williams.” The nurse called as we sat in the waiting room 

Walking in the room I sat on the bed as Dan sat beside me, clutching my hand.

“You ready to see your baby?” the nurse smiled

I lifted up my top before she squirted on the blue gell. Moving the sonogram device over my stomach our baby appeared on the screen seconds later.

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