Best Friends With Benefits - Part 12

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Me and Dan had been sneaking around for about two months now, whenever Luke and Evie went out we were at it. I felt really bad though because I was seeing Jayden now as well, we were official. Dan was unfortunately still seeing Amy. But she wasn’t coming between us, not this time. Luke and Evie were going strong still as was Megan and her new flavour of the month. His name was Harry. She had met him on a night out a couple of weeks ago and met up again afterwards. Me and Evie still to meet him, needs our seal of approval. The girls love Jayden, they think he’s so sweet and adores me, which he does. I really do like him, he was different from the other lads I used to date...including Joe.

We weren’t that serious yet though, if that happened, I was going to end things with Dan. I already felt bad as it was.

“, me and Luke are going Nandos. See you in a bit yea” Evie says walking down the stairs with Luke.

“Okay” I smile standing by the kitchen. I saw Dan wink at me from the sofa. “Have fun,”

As soon as the front door slammed shut, Dan pushed me up against the wall. His lips hitting mine with such passionate force and his hands searching my body like there was no tomorrow. My top came off in seconds as did his before he started rubbing his hand against my knickers. A moan left my lips as I felt his fingers slip in me. I undid his belt on his jeans and sunk my hand into his boxers, he let out a deep moan against my neck, sinking his teeth in causing a mark. He pulled his hand out my knickers and pull down my leggings, I stepped out of them before spinning him round to the wall. I kissed down his body to his boxer line. I slowly ran my tongue across the top of them, I saw him grit his teeth and his hands clench as I did so. This turned him on so much, I loved teasing him. He opened his eyes and smiled at me, “Tease” he whispered, “You love it” I giggled before pulling his boxers down and wrapping my lips around him. His hands resting on my head, running though my hair as he leant his head back on the wall, moaning as I went to work.

A while later I stood up, “Why you stopping, I’m so close” he moaned, “My knees are hurting” I say pouting up at him. “Okay, upstairs now” he says pulling up his boxers and chasing me up the stairs, collecting our clothes on the way. My room was the closest so I went in there followed by a very eager Dan. As soon as my door was locked shut I was gently pushed onto my bed, my bra being pulled from my chest and thrown onto the floor as tender kisses covered my body. Dan pulled down my knickers and pushed himself into me causing me to moan out loud. “Fuck me Dan” I moaned as he pumped in and out of me. My nails clawing at his back, pulling him closer to me, deeper. “Yes Liv” Dan moaned as we continued to fuck like rabbits. “I wanna go on top” I pant.

Dan gets off me and lays down next to me pulling me quickly back onto him. “Yes” He moaned as I grinded against him. He pulled me down towards him, causing our chests to touch so he could kiss me. His tongue battling against mine. “Faster” I moaned, “Harder” I shouted before Dan flipped me over and got on top pushing himself deep into me, “Shit” I moaned. “Give me your best Danny boy.” I grinned and he began pumping faster and faster in and out of me. The sweat was pouring off us, this felt fucking amazing. I never wanted it to end...

Dan dropped down next to me, completely exhausted. I just lay there with my hand on my chest feeling it rise and fall very quickly. My hair stuck to my sweaty face, I pealed it off before I felt Dan place it gently behind my ear. I turned my head towards him and smiled. I kissed him quickly but he turned it passionate instantly by slipping in his tongue. He got on top of me and I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands slid over my ass. “I’ve wanted you all day” he whispered against my neck, before placing his lips against it. “Next time tell me sooner” I grinned at him. “Oh “ will.” he breathed against my neck, I could feel he was ready to go again already. He was rock hard against my leg. “You ready for round two?” I grinned at Dan, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist before he pushed himself into me again. “Oh yes” he laughed before we began again.

Once we were finished I got out of bed slipping on my underwear, passing Dan his boxers. I got re-dressed as did Dan. “That was amazing as always ” Dan grinned kissing my cheek.

“Always” I smile, opening my door

“Luke, what drink do you want?” I heard Evie shout

“Fuck” I whisper shutting my door

“What’s up?” Dan asked me sorting out his hair

“Luke and Evie are home”


“Okay I’ll spell it out for you genius. Depending on when they came back, they’ve heard me having sex coz I wasn’t exactly quite just then was I?”

“Oh no you weren’t . You were very vocal indeed” Dan winked at me

“So you’re going to have to go out the window and come back in through the front door.”


“So that they don’t find out about us. That’s why” I say pushing him slightly.

“Hey” Dan smiles pushing me onto the bed and began tickling me.

“Ahhhh stop it” I laugh

There was a knock on the door and we froze


 “?” Evie shouted

“Err yea” I replied as Dan began to kiss down my neck, nibbling ever so slightly.

“I hope you’re having fun in there”

“I am” I laugh as Dan’s lips get lower on my neck

“ and Luke were thinking of having a take-away and movie night tonight if you and Dan fancy it”

“Yea,” I replied

“And Jayden” Evie laughed.

“I’ve not long txt Dan, sent him out to blockbuster, we had the same idea” I winked at Dan who smiled at me before sinking his teeth onto my neck and sucking there.

“Okay, we were wondering where he was. Come down soon”

I heard her run down the stairs and I pushed Dan off, me getting on top of him.

“Out the window” I smiled pinning his arms above his head.

“I love it when you take control” he grinned pushing his lips up and kissing me passionately before I pulled away grinning at him like a love struck teenager.

“Out now”

“Yes mam” he grinned, I got off him and he got to my window. He’d done this numerous times now, getting into quite the habit.

I lay on my bed thinking how the fuck I was going to sort this out. Evie thought Jayden was in here with me. I had an idea...I hope it worked.

I unlocked my door and checked to see if the coast was clear. I ran downstairs and no one was in the living room.

“Bye Jay, see you later ” I say and shut the front door quickly.

Evie walks out of the kitchen with Luke hand in hand. “Where’s Jay gone?” Luke asks

“Home. He’s busy later. Can’t do movie night”

“Ahh shame” Evie says sitting down on the sofa

I grabbed my phone out my pocket.

[Dan where the hell are you? :L xxxx]

[I’ve actually gone to blockbuster, cover our story :P see you in a bit gorgeous! xxx]

[Ahh plan, see you in a bit! LY xxxx]

Omg why had I put love you at the end of the message. Fuck

[Love you too ! xxx]

A smile crept across my face.

No. I was with Jayden, Dan was with Amy.

 This was just a physical thing.

Just pure sex.

No romance, this is what we said.

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